Uğur Rıfat Karlova

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Uğur Rıfat Karlova (born August 2, 1980 ) is a Turkish stand-up comedian , actor , writer and TV presenter in Taiwan .


Karlova's television career began in Taiwan in 2006 with the documentary "The History of Taiwan People". The producers spotted him on the street and invited him to audition. Karlova cast the role of George Leslie Mackay, a dentist and missionary in Taiwan in the 19th century. This role gave him opportunities for upcoming projects in the entertainment industry in Taiwan and the Far East.

Karlova has now appeared in several commercials that were broadcast in Taiwan as well as in China. His first major advertisement was for 3M's Table Light. He also had other minor roles in commercials such as Biore Cream. In 2008 the well-known FHM magazine used Karlovas Foto to advertise their August issue. In the same year, the television series Faysal Agabey started, in which Karlova plays the engineer Aladin. The series was the most expensive production of the Buddhist broadcaster Great Love TV . After that Karlova played again in various commercials, including for Te Quiero Diamond watches, Taipei City Tourism Introduction, Nissan and Gigabyte products. The advertising for Nissan in particular increased its awareness in the industry.

Meanwhile, Karlova attended some of the most famous shows in Taiwan, such as Li Jing's Zhuang Shı Ye Zong Hui the talent show, Daxüe Sheng Le Mei the university talk show with the stars Aken, Nado and Taoz. Karlova had more than 30 appearances on the show "Halin Teacher Hi" with the famous TV star Halin. This show helped him introduce Turkish culture to a wide audience. Karlova continued to develop as an artist and imitations of Aaron Kwok and Stanley Huang are now part of his repertoire. These were the first imitations of a foreigner in Taiwan. His stage name is Wu Feng.

Stand up comedy

Karlova started his stage career at the Taipei Comedy Club, which is the only one of its kind in Taiwan. In the meantime he has already had more than 50 gigs there, all of which he performed in Chinese. Another special feature of Karlova is that he is always barefoot on stage. He himself says: “Playing barefoot helps me to feel the wooden stage better. Only then do I really feel the stage. "

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