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Bit-slice processor element U830Cm

U830C is the name of an 8-bit- bit slice processor element that was developed and manufactured by the Center for Research and Technology Microelectronics Dresden (ZFTM / ZMD) together with a Soviet company in the late 1970s . Unlike most other microprocessors, the U830C works asynchronously . The U830C and the associated peripheral circuits were first presented to the public in 1980.

U830C on processor board of the K 1630

The CPU was used in K-1600 computers (based on the PDP-11 ) from Robotron . In these computers, a 16-bit wide data bus was created by cascading this CPU using bit-slice technology. A maximum of 32 bits were possible via this cascading.

This CPU was housed in a DIP 48 ceramic housing.

The following circuits belong to this CPU:

  • U832C - 16-bit arithmetic circuit
  • U8032C - U832C for 8-bit systems with around 15,000 transistors on a chip area of ​​around 46 mm²
  • U834C - bus control

Technical specifications

  • Technology: NMOS - silicon gate technology
  • a maximum of four U830 can be cascaded
  • Command control via 14-bit bus
  • Instruction set with 58 instructions for addition, subtraction, logical functions, bit operations, decrement, increment and decimal corrections, among other things
  • Input and output of the flags N (egative), Z (ero), (o) V (erflow), C (arry)
  • 18 registers
  • asynchronous mode of operation
  • TTL compatible outputs
  • Selection types depending on the command processing and cycle time:
    • U830C: 1120 ns
    • U830Cp: 1000 ns
    • U830Cm: 900 ns

Successor U84x

As part of the development of the K-1600 successor model, the K 1700 (prototype PDP-11/44), an unprecedented U84x circuit system was designed by ZFT Robotron and ZFTM Dresden from the end of 1979. The U84x circuit system had the following components:

  • U840 16-bit microprocessor (CPU)
  • U841 memory management (MMU)
  • U842 arithmetic processor (ARP)
  • U843 memory access control (DMA)
  • U844 bus coupling unit (BCU)
  • U845 parallel to serial converter (PCS)
  • U846 Commercial Instruction Set (CIS)

Development work on the circuit system was canceled in 1982. The designation U840 was used again in 1989/1990 for a special processor for stored-program controls, which, however, was also not transferred to mass production due to the change.


  • Peter Salomon: The history of the microelectronic semiconductor industry in the GDR. Funk-Verlag Hein, Dessau 2003, ISBN 3-936124-31-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. U 83 microprocessor system . In: VEB Verlag Technik (Hrsg.): Radio television electronics . 29, No. 9, 1980, ISSN  0033-7900 , p. 547.
  2. Hans-Joachim Fischer, Wolfgang E. Schlegel: transistor and circuit technology. Military Publishing House of the GDR, 1988, ISBN 3-327-00362-9 , p. 93.
  3. M. Lauermann: Microcomputer system K 1700, status 1/80 (rough concept) . In: VEB Robotron Center for Research and Technology (Ed.): Theses for problem advice K 1700 . VVS DR I / 9-14 / 80. February 12, 1980, p. 11 ff . (Saxon Main State Archive Dresden 11594-1366 / 4).
  4. Günter Salzmann: K 16N system and processors . Final report A4. Ed .: VEB Robotron Center for Research and Technology. May 20, 1981 (Saxon Main State Archive Dresden 11594-1366 / 4).
  5. Jump upBeetle . October 21, 2014. Retrieved March 14, 2017.