Association for Independent Health Advice

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The UGB - Association for Independent Health Advice e. V. is a non-profit association that was founded in Giessen in 1981 and today has around 2000 members. In addition to the office in Giessen, the UGB also has offices in Switzerland and Austria.

In his opinion, through its work, the association made a decisive contribution to the fact that the concept of wholefood nutrition was largely included in the nutritional recommendations of the ( DGE ) in the 1990s . The work of the UGB is financed from membership fees and donations. In order to ensure independent work, support from business, political or ideological interest groups is dispensed with.

The association publishes articles on current nutrition and health issues in the specialist journal “UGB-Forum”. In addition to holistic health issues and whole foods, the focus is on the nutrition of children and infants, fasting and weight loss. Some articles are available on the association's website.

UGB Academy

The seminars and training courses of the UGB Academy are aimed at special professional groups such as nutritionists , dieticians , housekeepers, cooks, specialists from the natural food industry, educators, physiotherapists and other health professions as well as people interested in health. In addition to individual seminars and certified training courses with final exams (e.g. to become a “health trainer”), the academy organizes conferences and symposia on current nutritional and health issues.

UGB forum

The UGB-Forum is a specialist journal from the health sector . It publishes news from nutrition, health and the environment. In addition to background articles, it also provides practical tips for a healthy and ecological lifestyle. The magazine is aimed both at special professional groups from the nutrition, health and education sectors as well as at people interested in health. The ad-free magazine appears every two months with a circulation of 5000 to 6000 copies. In addition to the UGB Forum, eight special UGB Forum Spezial issues on various topics have been published so far .

Nutritionist UGB

The UGB offers the UGB nutrition advisor certificate as a professional training course for nutritionists, nutritionists and dietitians . This qualifies specialists who meet the provider qualification of the umbrella association of statutory health insurance in the Prevention Guide. This enables the nutritionists to settle accounts with the health insurance companies. For consumers, the certificate helps to find a qualified nutritionist .

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