URL template

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A URL template is a template for URLs that have a common basic structure. The template contains one or more parameters that must be replaced by values ​​in order to obtain a specific URL.

The parameters are usually given in curly brackets, for example {ID}for a parameter with the name "ID". When constructing a URL, the parameter values ​​used must be URL-encoded , as certain characters such as spaces and question marks cannot be used arbitrarily in a URL. Depending on the application, the URL coding is only necessary for parameters in the query string . In October 2006 the draft of an RFC for URL templates was presented, which was revised several times and approved in a consolidated version in March 2012 as RFC 6570 .


The URL template is given http://www.example.org/{type}/?name={name}with the parameters typeand name. Assigning the values type=userand name=Dörteresults in the URL http://www.example.org/user/?name=D%C3%B6rte.

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