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Ukanomitama ( Japanese ウ カ ノ ミ タ マ , Kojiki : 宇 迦 之 御 魂 神 , ~ no kami , Nihonshoki : 倉 稲 魂 命 , ~ no mikoto ) is a food kami in the mythology of Shintō .

Her name uka means “grain” or “food” and mitama means “spirit; Soul ”in ancient Japanese. The Kojiki describes Ukanomitama as a descendant of Susanoo , the Nihonshoki of Izanagi and Izanami , while commentaries on the Engishiki identify Ukanomitama with the female Kami Toyoukehime . Later it was equated with the kami of the Inari rice , so that many Inari shrines are dedicated to Ukanomitama. in particular the Fushimi-Inari shrine in the Fushimi district of the city of Kyoto as the main shrine under the name Uka-no-mitama-no-ōkami ( 宇 迦 之 御 魂 大 神 ).

Individual evidence

  1. Kadoya Atsushi:  "Ukanomitama" . In: Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugaku-in , May 12, 2005 (English)
  2. ご 祭神 . Fushimi Inari Shrine. Retrieved June 6, 2015 (Japanese).