Infinity category

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In mathematics , the term infinite category , category, or quasi -category is a generalization of the concept of category .

While in a category morphisms between objects and in a 2-category also has 2-morphisms between morphisms, there is an infinity in Category -Morphismen between -Morphismen for all


An infinite category is a simplicial set that satisfies the weak Kan extension property :

For each simplicial mapping can be continued to a simplicial mapping .

Here referred to the dimensional standard simplex and the by omitting from emerging "Horn".


  • Kan complexes are infinite categories in which the desired continuation also exists for and always.
  • The nerve of a small category is an infinite category in which the desired continuation is always clear. Conversely, an infinite category with clear continuations is isomorphic to the nerve of a small category.
  • The product and co- product (as simplicial sets) of infinite categories is an infinite category.

Objects, morphisms and functors

An object of an infinite category is a 0-simplex . An infinite category morphism is a 1-simplex . Its edges and are called the source and destination of morphism. One then says there is a morphism of to . For each object , the degenerate edge is called the identity morphism .

A homotopy between two morphisms is a 2-simplex with .

A morphism is called the composition of two morphisms and , if there is a 2-simplex with . This morphism always exists, but it is only clearly defined except for homotopy.

The homotopy category of an infinite category has as objects the objects of and as morphisms the homotopy classes of morphisms in . The homotopy class of is identity morphism and the well-defined composition of homotopy classes defines the composition of morphisms.

An isomorphism in the infinity category is a morphism whose homotopy class is an isomorphism in .

A functor of infinite categories is a simplicial mapping . The functors again form an infinite category .

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