Corporate quality

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Company quality relates, in the full sense of the word, to the “nature” of the entire company, the current state both in terms of structure and activities, as well as attitude, values ​​and behavior and the concrete results achieved. High company quality means a comprehensive, long-term oriented fulfillment of the requirements of all interest groups in a balanced form. In every organization, sustainable corporate quality begins with an unbiased assessment of the current situation. In the self or external assessment, questions about status, strengths and potential for improvement are processed in a well-founded manner and merged into a status image. Building on this, it is important to derive measures from identified improvement potentials, which usually also affect several focal points, and to implement them consistently over a longer period of time.

Excellence (in the sense of the EFQM model ) is defined as the highest possible level of corporate quality for an organization. The EFQM Excellence Model combines the basic concepts of Excellence with the weighted criteria and the RADAR logic in the best possible way.


Corporate quality is created in companies and organizations and promotes sustainable corporate success. The benefit of corporate quality is the consistent further development of an organization and the fulfillment of the requirements and expectations of its stakeholders . The EFQM model is used to measure company quality . Austrian companies can apply for the State Prize for Corporate Quality every year .

The consistent and sustained work on corporate quality brings many measurable advantages. The study "Company Quality - What is it?" Confirms the benefits as follows:

  • The consistent design of corporate quality has a clearly positive influence on the long-term success of the respective organization.
  • The increase in corporate quality brings about good results for all industries and organizations of all sizes.
  • The closer an organization works along the EFQM Excellence Model, the greater the success.


  • Risak, Johann: Creating superior corporate quality . Linde Verlag, Vienna 2010, ISBN 9783714301816 .
  • Quality Austria: company quality . Vienna 2010
  • Wiedenegger, Armin: Corporate Quality - What is it? A theoretical and empirical investigation which requirements companies should meet. Dissertation. Vienna University of Economics and Business 2012
  • EFQM: EFQM Excellence Model 2010 Brussels 2009, ISBN 978-90-5236-510-7

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