State of investigation

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Rectal treatment of a horse in an examination stand
Dental treatment of a horse in an examination stand

An examination stand is a construction for fixing horses or cattle during examinations and treatments on standing animals. In addition to the fixation of the animal, these frames also serve to protect people from injuries caused by defensive movements of the animal. Examination statuses are often referred to as compulsory statuses.


An examination stand usually consists of a construction made of metal pipes. There are longitudinal bars on both sides of the stand to prevent the animal from breaking out to the side. The animal is led into the stand from behind, which is then closed by a door or a crossbar so that the animal can no longer leave the stand by stepping back. At the top of the stand there is also a door or a cross bar that can be opened after the examination has been completed so that the animal can leave the stand forwards. Horses are usually only fixed to the halter with a rope , inside the stand the animal can stand without further fixations.


Examination stands are primarily used to restrain large animals during veterinary examinations and treatments. Rigid restraints, which severely restrict a horse's freedom of movement, can trigger panic and defensive movements in the animals, which creates a great risk of injury to the animal and the examiner. In the examination stand, the horse's head is held by a helper or tied to the stand, but the horse can stand within the stand without further restraint. Although it doesn't feel too cramped this way, it cannot make any major defensive movements.

For treatments on the horse's head, such as endoscopic examinations of the respiratory tract or dental treatments , the horse's head is sometimes fixed to another, higher crossbar in a straight position. In addition, examination stands are used for artificial insemination as well as for rectal or vaginal examinations and treatments. Since the animal is accessible from all sides, the examination stand can also be used for interventions on other parts of the body where it is necessary to restrain the animal.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Walter Baumgartner. Clinical propaedeutics of domestic and pet animals . Georg Thieme Verlag; 15 January 2014. ISBN 978-3-8304-1216-8 . p. 366-.