Urban Bioscope

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Urban Bioscope , also known as Warwick Bioscope , was a motion picture projector and camera developed by Walter Isaacs and Charles Urban for the Warwick Trading Company in 1897 . The projector used 35mm film and a beater mechanism based on the patents of Georges Démény as a drive . Older models had a " spool bank " extension , which made it possible to play very short films repeatedly. Later models were made for Warwick by the Prestwich Company and sold throughout Europe. After Urban left Warwick Trading in 1903 and founded his own company, the Charles Urban Trading Company , he marketed his own version, the Urban Bioscope.


  • Richard Abel (Ed.): Encyclopedia of early cinema. , Routledge, Oxon 2005, ISBN 0-415-23440-9 , p. 685.