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The Urisk is by Scottish traditions is a hybrid of goat and man, but not a satyr. It lives in springs, lakes, ponds and waterfalls in the Scottish Highlands . He is described as a very lonely being who longs for human company. Its eerie appearance is said to scare people away.


Like many other nature spirits , he is generally very helpful and works the fields of good people at night, but he also follows people to lonely places.


The term Urisk is an anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic word ùruisg . Every spring in Breadalbane had an Urisk and the king of the Urisks was Peallaidh in Aberfeldy. He is related to the Fuath .

Individual evidence

  1. Froud, B. and Lee, A: "Elves, Goblins, Spukgestalten", ISBN 3-8289-4909-6
  2. ^ Curran, Bob: "Little Handbook of the Irish Elves," ISBN 3-8289-8115-1
  3. Malcolm Macleannan: Gaelic Dictionary. University of Edinburgh 1993, p. 364
  4. ^ A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Oxford University Press 2004.


  • Brian Froud, Alan Lee: Elves, Goblins and Haunted Characters. Gerstenberg Verlag, Hildesheim, 2003.
  • A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Oxford University Press 2004.