Uwe Kullnick

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Uwe Kullnick

Uwe Kullnick (born April 29, 1953 in Wolfenbüttel ) is a German writer . He is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Literatur Radio Hörbahn and President of the European Chinese Culture Exchange eV (ECCE)


After studying biology and graduating as Dr. rer. nat. at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1993, Uwe Kullnick researched and published there on the effects of electromagnetic fields on biological systems. From 1995 to 2000 he founded and headed a corresponding working group at the University of Duisburg. He then moved to Siemens and until 2007 held various management positions in the area of ​​medical / biological research funding, safety and environmental protection. From 2008 he played a leading role in the restructuring and rebuilding of Nokia Siemens Networks until he left his industrial career. Uwe Kullnick has been working as a freelance writer and journalist since 2012. Between 2014 and 2019 he was chairman of the Free German Authors' Association of Bavaria (FDA). He was also President of the FDA Federation from 2015 to 2017. In 2015 he founded Literatur Radio Bayern together with the Association of German Writers (VS VERDI), which he brought out of the previous association in 2018 under the name Literatur Radio Hörbahn.


In addition to numerous specialist articles, blogs and a weekly column in the Sendlinger Anzeiger, Uwe Kullnick has published several novels, stories, children's and young people's books and radio plays. He further developed the publication media of the Free German Association of Authors and was editor-in-chief and publisher of the literary magazine LITERÀBILES, the FDA anthologies and the literature Radio Bayern. In addition to being shortlisted, he won the Haidhauser Werkstattpreis Munich in 2011. He is the editor of numerous books. Since 2018 he has headed the literature (podcast) Radio Hörbahn.


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