Uwe Seifert

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Uwe Seifert (* 1960 ) is a German musicologist and professor of systematic musicology at the University of Cologne .


Between 1986 and 1989 Uwe Seifert completed his doctoral scholarship in systematic musicology at the University of Hamburg , which he graduated with “summa cum laude”; The subject of the dissertation was: "Systematic Music Theory and Cognitive Science - On the Foundation of Cognitive Musicology". From 1993 he worked for six years as a research assistant in systematic musicology at the University of Hamburg. In 1999 he completed his habilitation at the University of Hamburg with the topic: "Systematic music theory as cognitive science - modeling and computer simulation of cognitive processes in the humanities".

Since 1999 Seifert has held the professorship for musicology with a focus on systematic musicology at the University of Cologne. Between 2002 and 2008 he was project manager in the Collaborative Research Center and Research College 427 “Media and Cultural Communication”. In addition, between 2006 and 2014 he was a partner of the EU-funded annual International Summer School in Systematic Musicology. In 2010, as a continuation and as a result of the projects in the Collaborative Research Center / Research College SFB427, there was collaboration in the Strüngmann Forum "Language, Music, and the Brain: A Mysterious Relationship" at the Frankfurt Institute for, initiated by Michael A. Arbib and carried out in 2011 Advanced Study (FIAS).

Since 2015 Seifert has been working in the study group of the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg "Key topics in basic musical research: Interdisciplinary music research and music philosophy today" and since 2017 Seifert has been the project manager for "Language and Music in Cognition" (innovation in teaching).

His main areas of focus include: biological and cultural development of human musical capacity, "Jupyter Notebook and Data Science in Computational Musicology", situated music cognition and comparative biomusicology, new media art and artistic human-robot interaction design, "interaction action studies" and comparative language, Music and action research.

Works (selection)

  • U. Seifert: Relating the evolution of Music-Readiness and Language-Readiness within the context of comparative neuroprimatology. In: Interaction Studies. Volume 19, No. 1–2, 2018, pp. 86–101.
  • U. Seifert: The form-content problem of music and basic musicological research - the research program of Cologne's cognitive musicology. In: A. Bense, M. Gieseking, B. Müßgen (eds.): Music in the spectrum of technological developments and new media - Festschrift for Bernd Enders. Electronic Publishing Osnabrück, Osnabrück 2015, pp. 140–165.
  • U. Seifert, PFMJ Verschure, MA Arbib, AJ Cohen, L. Fogassi, T. Fritz, ... N. Rickard: Semantics of Internal and External Worlds. In: MA Arbib (Ed.): Language, Music, and the Brain: A Mysterious Relationship. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2013, pp. 203-229.

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