Víctor Queipul Hueiquil

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Víctor Queipul Hueiquil , also Víctor Queipul Huaiquil (* 20th century), is a Lonko (traditional leader) of the Mapuche in the area around Ercilla in the Araucania region in Chile. He is a leading figure in the Comunidad Autónoma de Temucuicui , an indigenous association that has emerged in recent years through violent resistance and the seizure of land. In June 2016, he was attacked, abducted and tortured by around 50 uniformed men, according to his own statements. Queipul has three children and three grandchildren.


  • Jan Christoph Wiechmann (2020): The Mapuche Uprising . In: Geo 5/2020. Gruner, Hamburg, p. 80ff.