VDI 2052

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The guideline VDI 2052 regarding describing the state of the art ventilation treatment of commercial kitchens as well as the dimensioning and design of the HVAC systems .


Ventilation systems in commercial kitchens are necessary because

  • the air is polluted by odors, fat components and gaseous combustion products
  • hygienic requirements for indoor air quality must be met
  • a considerable amount of heat is generated by convection and radiation
  • Moisture accumulates during food preparation and washing
  • Air renewal in the rooms through exchange with outside air and compliance with tolerable or specified room air temperatures are required.

To solve the problem, air intake and exhaust systems must be installed in the kitchen areas in such a way that odors, foreign substances and moisture are removed, impairment of rooms that do not belong to the kitchen area are avoided and no hygienically questionable air is supplied or can flow in. Kitchens for different usage units should be equipped with independent exhaust systems.

scope of application

Kitchens and associated areas are special rooms in which food is prepared, served and distributed, dishes and appliances are washed and food is stored. This guideline provides information on the ventilation treatment of commercial kitchens as well as on the dimensioning and construction of the ventilation and air conditioning systems. It applies in conjunction with DIN EN 13779 and DIN 18869. This guideline does not apply to domestic kitchens and small commercial kitchens with a total connected load of less than 25 kW for heat and moisture-emitting devices (cooking appliances, dishwashers, etc.). An exhaust air system is recommended below 25 kW connected load. In any case, the provisions of BG rule BGR 111 must be observed.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Employer's liability insurance association rules for safety and health at work: BG rule - work in kitchens from October 2006, HVBG - Main Association of Commercial Employers Liability Insurance Associations, specialist committee “Food and Beverage; accessed in November 2016 "of the BGZ