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Vajradharma was a 10th century Buddhist monk in Indochina .


Vajradharma probably grew up in a brahmin family in Magadha . In his youth he went to Nalanda and studied there.

Stay in Sumatra

After completing his studies, he went to Sri Vijaya , a center of Tantric Buddhism ( Tantrism ). There he became acquainted with Chinese and Cambodian monks.

Monastery on the Mekong

Then he decided to found a monastery in the Khmer Empire. After the Khmer ruler, who was a Shiva worshiper, refused to settle within his empire, he managed to find a place to stay on the northern borders in what is now Laos . The last message from Vajradharma came from a Chinese envoy who was visiting the Nanzhao Empire . He reports that Buddhists from all schools, including Tibetans, can be found in Vajradharma's monastery.


  • Song Shi (History of the Song Dynasty ), written by Toktoghan , 1345
  • 脫脫, 宋史 (496 卷), 北京 (中華書局), 1977 ( Tuotuo , Songshi (496 juan), Beijing (Zhonghua shu ju), 1977), 40 parts, 14,263 pages.
1999, ISBN 9787101021288 .