Valeria (Mrs. Sulla)

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Valeria was the fifth wife of the Roman dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix . She was the daughter of a Valerius Messalla and sister of Marcus Valerius Messalla Rufus , who lived in 53 BC. Was consul.

According to Plutarch , she was a remarkably beautiful woman who divorced her first husband. However, Plutarch gives neither a name nor a reason.

Valeria and Sulla met at gladiator games in Rome and got married shortly afterwards. As Sulla 78 BC BC, she was pregnant and gave birth to Cornelia Postuma a few months later .


  1. Plutarch: Sulla 35.4 .
  2. Plutarch: Sulla 35.3-4 .
  3. Plutarch: Sulla 35.3-5 .
  4. Plutarch: Sulla 37.4 .
