Venus figurines by Gagarino

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One of the Venus figurines by Gagarino, the so-called "Statuette No. 1" after Abramova; Height: 5.8 cm
Another Venus figurine by Gagarino; Height: 7.15 cm
The so-called "Venus No. 4" by Gagarino; Height 12.7 cm

The Venus figurines Gagarino is more Stone Age representations of the female body. They are mostly made of ivory. The age of the figurines is given as 21,000 to 20,000 years. The statuettes thus come from the Gravettia . Delporte states that a total of eight figurines were excavated.

Description of figurine no.1

The figurine, referred to as No. 1 in Abramova's work, resembles the Venus von Willendorf : the depicted, naked female body is voluminous, which is not necessarily to be interpreted as pregnant. The arms are laid on the sides; In contrast to the Venus von Willendorf, there are no hands. The face was not worked out, a headgear or a hairstyle is indicated. The breasts look heavy. The mound of venus is indicated.


The village of Gagarino is located in Sadonsk Raion of the Russian Oblast Lipetsk on the right bank of the Don , north of the Kostjonki ( Kostjonki , also Kostenki ) site.

See also


  • Zoya Abramova: Paleolitičeskoe iskusstvo na territorii SSSR. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Archeologii, Moskva 1962.
  • Zoya Abramova: L'Art paléolithique d'Europe orientale et de Sibérie. Jérôme Millon, Grenoble 1995.
  • C. Cohen: La femme des origines. Images of the femme in the prehistoire occidentale. Belin-Herscher, Paris 2003,
  • H. Delporte: L'image de la femme dans l'art préhistorique. Ed. Picard, Paris 1979.

Web links

Commons : Figurines of Venus by Gagarino  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c H. Delporte: L'image de la femme dans l'art préhistorique. Ed. Picard, Paris 1979, p. 175.


  1. The Russian Wikipedia has an article about Гагарино (Задонский район) (Gagarino [Sadonski rajon])