Association for the Promotion of Political Action

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Association for the Promotion of Political Action
Vfh logo
purpose Promotion of political education and political action among young people
Chair: Christian Meyn
Establishment date: 1992
Number of members: approx. 200
Seat : Bonn

The Association for the Promotion of Political Action eV (vfh) is a recognized non-profit organization that offers political seminars for young people. The aim of the vfh is to motivate and enable political action through political education.

Organization and financing

According to its own statements, the association is not affiliated with any party or political direction and is financed by public funds and donations. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia , the Federal Agency for Civic Education , the Federal Ministry for the Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and the International Training and Development GmbH ( InWEnt ) are among the sponsors. The Bildungswerk is certified according to LQW ( Learner-Oriented Quality in Further Education ). The speakers and seminar leaders work on a voluntary basis. The organization of the seminars is coordinated by the full-time management in Bonn and controlled by the honorary board of directors.

Offer and goal

The seminars offered by the vfh are aimed at schoolchildren and students and include seminars lasting several days at various locations in Germany. The topics are diverse and range from political theory basics and current political questions to workshops for core political competencies. Speakers from the field report on topics such as European energy policy , sustainability or development cooperation . The aim of the events is to enable young people to take political action and to encourage engagement.

Web links
