God bless it

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Vergelt's Gott (“ Vergelte es Gott! ”) Is a thank you formula that is mainly used in southern Germany , South Tyrol and Austria . In response to God bless you, give it to God!

Examples from popular belief

The German folklorist Lutz Röhrich states the following in his dictionary of proverbial sayings :

If a poor woman, a beggar, is given a gift by a peasant woman, she does not like to hear a polite urban 'thank you'. 'Des ish like water!', That is, it has no value. The recipient should be presented with a 'God bless you!' thank you, to which she replies with a 'blessing God' or 'paying God'.

Correspondingly, Max Hofmann 's poem Vergelt's Gott says:

“Recall God!” Says aa d 'Muatter loudly,
“Recall God!” Every child,
and everybody “Recall God”, without asking,
find His way to the Lord God.

The God bless you collector

In the saga of the god of god collectors , an evil and stingy farmer allowed himself to be persuaded to let a footpath through his farm be used generally. However, he stipulated that every passer-by had to say a " God bless him " in front of his court cross , and he made a notch in the cross for every " God bless him ". After his death, Peter wanted to deny the wicked peasant admission to heaven, but the collected “ God bless you ” weighed heavier than his sins, so that Peter had to let him into heaven.

The poor woman and the butcher

The SWR quotes a poem from the papers of a pastor's wife in which a poor old woman from Albendorf goes to the butcher and asks him to be allowed to pay with a " Vergelt's Gott ". The stingy master butcher agrees and writes “ Vergelt's Gott ” on a piece of paper. But when he puts the paper in his weighing pan, he cannot weigh it with all his goods and decides to have pity for the poor in the future.


The foot bar of Jogltisches will bless God called, probably because you also kneeling on the table prayer.

Individual evidence

  1. Lutz Röhrich : Lexicon of the proverbial sayings . Volume 1-3. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2003. ISBN 978-3451054006
  2. projekt-gutenberg.org (Max Hofmann: Vergelt's Gott )
  3. www.sagen.at ( Der Vergelt's Gott-Collector )
  4. www.swr.de ( Praise God )

Web links

Wiktionary: God's reward  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations