Sales control

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Sales control means using all instruments that are available to salespeople from business administration , especially from merchandise management and marketing , in order to use meaningful analyzes and forecasts to include all items in the sales room in the right quantity, at the right time and in the right place To place the right prices so that maximum sales and maximum profit can be achieved.

Sales control instruments

  • the marketing plan ,
  • the marketing action plan,
  • Evaluation of racing lists ,
  • Best seller list by profit,
  • Evaluations of bum lists ,
  • Bum list after profit,
  • Sales and profit forecast (budget),
  • the sales forecast comparison,
  • Profit forecast comparison,
  • Sales and profit evaluation of the branches and branch areas,
  • Share analysis,
  • Analysis of sales and profit development,
  • Sales evaluation of product families or product series,
  • Reductions with the ABC analysis ,
  • Analysis of innovations with sales forecast,
  • Analysis of article sizes, as well as all other lists that are available with the help of modern merchandise management or alternative database programs for the assessment of sales areas and / or individual articles in retail.