Traffic service

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A transport service is a service facility in the transport sector .

In general, all main, auxiliary or ancillary services in the transport sector are meant, for example classic transport services, repair services , traffic preparation and post-traffic services ( logistics : transshipment, storage), traffic-accompanying or coordinating services (brokers, tour operators , freight forwarders ).

Special services:

  • Motorway emergency aid from private organizations and associations, such as the Verkehrsdienst Hessen e. V., the traffic service Rhein-Main e. V., Verkehrsdienst Mitte IG, Kraftfahrer Unfallhilfe e. V., Verkehrsdienst Nord e. V., Verkehrsdienst Süd e. V. and the Verkehrsdienst Württemberg e. V. These clubs have made it their goal to ensure more safety in road traffic. On-call services are provided along various motorways and motorway sections in order to quickly implement safety measures in the event of accidents , traffic jams and danger spots.
  • Transport service in the strict sense: the service of transporting people or goods.
  • Traffic situation service (traffic information service): Services that provide information about the current traffic situation (volume, obstructions, traffic jams) via television, radio, radio, telephone, Internet and other media.
  • Organizations within the traffic police . They carry out a number of services that have to do with the topic of traffic: speed measurements, driving time control, load safety, traffic education, recording and tracking of traffic accidents and a number of other activities (see traffic monitoring ).
  • Area in a transport company that is actually responsible for handling the traffic (preparation, implementation and termination of the traffic process ). So there are / were at railway companies u. a. the area of ​​operations and traffic services (in addition to the areas of machine management, wagon management, rail systems, security, telecommunications and process automation).

See also

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