Publishing specialist

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Publishing specialist is advanced training at master level according to the German Vocational Training Act . As a rule, it follows vocational training as a publishing clerk or media clerk for digital and print or other commercial vocational training.

Activity and legal basis

Publishing specialists work in the areas of production and marketing in newspaper, magazine and book publishers. You work at middle management level in publishing houses or in bookstores with publishing departments. You will design, coordinate and monitor the production of print and electronic media.

The training is based on a special legal regulation and ends with an examination before a committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK).

Training content

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Operational organization
  • Human resources and corporate governance
  • Economic basics
  • Law
  • Cost and performance accounting
  • Finance and accounting
  • Product types and product design
  • Font and typography
  • Modern prepress technology
  • Repro technology
  • Printing process and printing form production
  • Basics of the production economy
  • Sentence systems
  • Binding techniques and materials
  • Paper and other materials
  • Finishing
  • Organization of the workflow
  • Special features of newspaper and magazine production

Web links