Displacement theorem from Kossel-Sommerfeld

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The shifting set of Sommerfeld and Kossel , named after Arnold Sommerfeld and Walther Kossel , describes spectra of hydrogen-like atoms. This leads to similar energy levels between successive single positively charged atoms . Sommerfeld and Kossel formulated this as follows:

“The spectrum of any atom is very similar to the spectrum of the simple pos. charged atom that follows in the periodic table . "


So there are roughly the same energy levels of approx. 13.6  eV for hydrogen with a principal quantum number , for He + with and Li 2+ with .

Individual evidence

  1. Wolf Haken: Atom and Quantum Physics. 8th edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2004, ISBN 3-540-02621-5 , p. 113 ( limited preview in the Google book search).