Hidden article

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A hidden article is a term from the grammar of the German language.


This is an article that is drawn together with a preposition so that it can no longer be recognized as such, for example in the constructions im (in which), for (to which) and for (to which), e.g. . For example: "in the forest" - actually "in the forest". Also in (in), on (on), with (with), on (on) and through (through) contained hidden articles.


The Duden for grammar writes: “If the article forms dem, den, das und der are only weakly stressed, they can be merged with some prepositions. This amalgamation has its origin in the spoken language [...] and in many cases it is no longer resolvable. ”In addition to numerous examples, it is given in war or breaking over one's knee .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. http://online-lernen.levrai.de/deutsch-uebungen/open_window_rechtschreibung/artikel_versteckte_hilfe.htm
  2. https://www.meinunterricht.de/arbeitsblaetter/deutsch/reitenlernen/rechtschreibung-begleitersuche-versteckte-artikel-wissenschaftliche-grundlagen-und-arbeitsverbindungen/
  3. Duden 4, Die Grammatik, Dudenverlag 1973, ISBN 3411009144 , page 173ff