Treaty of Torgau
The Treaty of Torgau (also called Torgau Treaty or Torgau Obligation ; French : Accord de Torgau ) of May 22, 1551 secured the leading position of Elector Moritz of Saxony among the Protestant princes and formed the basis for the final negotiations with the French king Heinrich II in Lochau (today Annaburg ) near Torgau .
The Treaty of Torgau formed the legal framework of the Prince uprising against Emperor Charles V . Moritz finally changed the fronts. Before the outbreak of this uprising, the Treaty of Chambord was signed on January 15, 1552.
- Hermann Weber: Le traité de Chambord (1552) . In: Charles-Quint, le Rhin et la France. Droit savant et droit pénal à l'époque de Charles-Quint. Actes des journées d'études de Strasbourg (2-3 March 1973) . Istra, Strasbourg 1973, pp. 81-94.
- Johannes Herrmann: Moritz of Saxony . Beucha 2003, p. 164 f.
- Political correspondence of Elector Moritz von Sachsen, vol. 5, edited by Johannes Herrmann, Günther Wartenberg and Christian Winter, Berlin 1998, p. 198.
Coordinates: 51 ° 43 '58 " N , 13 ° 2' 44" E