Distribution partner

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A sales partner is a dealer or agent who sells products on behalf of a third party or for their own account.

Distribution on own account

If sales are carried out on their own account, the prices are usually set by the sales partner; U. price agreements or cartel-like relationships. Distribution partners who acquire ownership of the goods are referred to as sales intermediaries .

The sales partner usually receives a turnover-dependent commission for his sales activities. Therefore, the commission amount is often graded by the sales partner's supplier according to sales targets. As a result of higher sales, its margin improves; H. the spread between the cost price and the selling price.

Sales partners can appear on the market in the form of agents , brokers , banks and savings banks .

Third party sales

If sales are carried out on behalf of a third party, the prices are usually not set by the sales partner. The relationship between the sales partner and the client is contractually regulated. A special form of sales partner on behalf of a third party is a commercial agent . He works in someone else's name and for someone else's account.