Via Garibaldi (Palermo)

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Palazzo Aiutamicristo

Via Garibaldi is a street in the Kalsa district in the old town of Palermo .

Location and name

The street begins on Via Lincoln at the site of the medieval Porta Termini (destroyed in 1852) and runs in a north-westerly direction to Piazza Rivoluzione . The street was documented as Strada di Porta di Termini around 1117. Around 1490, Prince Giugliemo Aiutamicristo commissioned a fortification, which was carried out by Matteo Carnilivari . It led to the Porta Termini. After that it was called Via del Palazzo Aiutamicristo. After the guerrilla fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi marched through the street on May 27, 1860 with his train of the thousand coming from the Ponte dell'Ammiraglio into the city, the street was renamed as Via Garibaldi.


There are several important buildings along the street: the Palazzo Naselli Flores (No. 84) from the 16th century, the Palazzo Burgio di Villafiorita (No. 44) from the 18th century, the Palazzo Aiutamicristo (No. 23) from the 15th century and the Oratorio S. Cateria di Siena from 1610.

From Via Garibaldi, Via Magione branches off to the east and Via Gorizia and Via Milano to the west.

Web links

Information on Via Garibaldi (in Italian)


  • Giuseppe Bellafiore: Palermo. Guida della città , Palermo 2002.