Quadruple community

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The Quadruple Fellowship , or Quadruple Gathering , (Pali: Parisā ) are four groups of people who consistently follow the teachings of the Buddha and follow his middle path . They are listed as follows: bhikkhu (monks), bhikkhuni (nuns), lay disciples. It represents the Sangha , the community of Buddha's followers. The terms used by the Buddha himself for laypeople are Upāsaka / Upasika , which literally means “sitting by”, but is mostly translated as “follower”, and gahapati / gahapatikā ( literally: "house father" / "house mother")

What is remarkable for that time is the special and equal naming of the female groups in the overall community, but also that each group is assigned the character of its own, mutually supportive community. Within the group, everyone is a noble friend (p. Kalyana mitta, skr. Kalyana mitra), companion, someone from whom one can learn and in the best case also a role model.

This is how the Buddha put it in Anguttara-Nikaya (A.II. 131-134)

The role models

May, monks, the monk filled with confidence, have such a right wish: That I should like to be like Sāriputta and Moggallāna! 'For Sāriputta and Moggallāna are the standard and guide for my monks.

May, monks, the confident nun cherish such a right wish: that I should like to be like the nuns Khemā and Uppalavannā! 'For the nuns Khemā and Uppalavannā are the yardstick and guide for my nuns.

May, monks, the confident lay brother cherish such a right wish: 'That I should like to be like Citta, the householder, and Hatthaka from ālavi!' For Citta, the householder, and Hatthaka from ālavi are the standard and the guideline for my lay followers.

May, monks, the confident lay sister cherish such a right wish: 'That I should like to be like the lay sister Khujjuttarā and Nanda's mother from Velukantaka!' For the lay sister Khujjuttarā and Nanda's mother from Velukantaka are the standard and guide for mine Lay followers.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Parisā , The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
  2. Excellent friendship kalyanamittata , collection of suttas on access to insight