Malorny four-phase model

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The four-phase model according to Malorny, also called the implementation concept by Malorny , is a model with which the management model TQM (Total Quality Management) can be described and thus the goal of " Business Excellence " can be achieved. It is an implementation model for the EFQM model . Each phase has tasks and measures that contribute to achieving TQM.


Awareness phase

The awareness phase lasts between one and three years. Depending on the preparation of the company. In this phase the TQM is initiated. The key points of the awareness phase are the preparation of the company for TQM. A basis must be created and the content of the TQM must be disseminated. The change process is set in motion and pilot projects are started. This also includes that the employees are sent to further training and acquire the knowledge. The main goal of this phase is to change awareness in the company.

The tasks of the TQM are divided into different fields of action. Starting with the field of society. The core task is public relations. Starting points for this are that the company is sensitive to environmental protection measures. These environmental protection measures must be structured, management developed and established. In addition, according to the TQM steering committee, a concept for systematic public relations work must be developed. Employees must be encouraged to participate in public relations. The company also needs quality-oriented advertising and public appearance.

Now the field of action processes. The main tasks include problem-solving skills. It is implemented by developing a concept in which teamwork comes to the fore. Problem-solving groups need to be introduced. Pilot projects and competence centers for the application of quality techniques are established. The process-oriented organization is being developed and partly carried out on a trial basis.

The controlling action field has the task of presenting potential for improvement. This includes that the evaluation results are compared with the financial results. Failure costs must be recorded and listed in cost controlling in order to create better transparency. Management reviews are carried out within the teams and assessment approaches for the self-assessment model are further developed. Before that, the employees must be trained in self-assessment.

The last field of action is target planning. The core task of goal planning is to systematize the strategic goal setting. The tasks include developing a target planning concept that promotes quality. An annual plan (over several years) must be developed on the basis of the guidelines under the direction of the management and the participation of the employees. In addition, a competitive analysis (benchmarking) should be developed and operated.

Realization phase

The implementation phase takes between two and three years. The TQM is now being introduced company-wide. The key points are the holistic introduction through all levels and areas, in all processes and in relation to all products and services. The main goal lies in the management and structural change of the company. The tasks of the realization phase are also divided into different fields of action. Starting with society. Promotion and cooperation must be strengthened. This includes that public institutions are funded. Furthermore, the cooperation with research and educational institutes should be further expanded. Company-wide environmental protection measures must be developed and implemented, e.g. B. by making the products and production more environmentally friendly. In addition, information about the company should be passed on to the families of the employees. Social benefits, e.g. B. Fare should be expanded. In general, communication between the company and society must be established and improved.

The field of action processes has the task of creating internal process management. This can be implemented through problem-solving groups that are formed and reduce the number of problems. Process teams with "process owners" are formed to identify department-internal processes. Experience is gained throughout the company on how processes are at hand in organizations. In addition, the ongoing improvement of processes is also part of the process.

The controlling field establishes quality controlling. By putting together and carrying out interdisciplinary self-assessment teams. The results of the self-assessment teams are used for improvement purposes. A quality controlling concept is designed and implemented. Furthermore, control parameters for customer and employee satisfaction are being expanded.

Finally, the goal planning. The core task is to systematize the operational objectives. Starting points for this are to identify customer requirements and initiate improvement measures. The supplier requirements must also be identified, processed and implemented. In addition, communication between the different hierarchies must be established. As a final starting point, the teams must create annual goals that form a template for the work.

Stabilization phase

The stabilization phase lasts about 1 to 2 years. In this phase, the implementation of TQM must be accelerated, which means that the improvement process must be accelerated so that a new direction of the company can arise. The key points of this phase are the creation of review cycles and the creation of closed control and feedback loops. Successful methods must be standardized and networked. Regulations must be developed that motivate employees and make them more flexible in their activities, while creating an innovation-friendly climate. In this phase, the main thing is that employees take responsibility. Before, it was important that the bosses bear responsibility and initiate everything and now it is up to the employees to implement what they want and to take responsibility themselves. To improve the company, a complete transparency of the data belongs.

"In the stabilization phase, a company should learn to use the creative power of the >> and << and put aside the compulsion of the >> or <<."

- C. Malorny : Implement TQM. The way to business excellence

Controlling also plays a major role in this phase. The teams should have the opportunity to define, control and monitor their problematic process parameters. However, this also harbors the risk of manipulation in order to achieve the assumed goals. This risk is reduced if there are demarcation and confession systems that define the guidelines.

The main task of the stabilization phase is the networking of the individual measures and thus the separation of technologies that prevent the success of the company. All of this leads to constant improvement.

Phase of excellence

The phase of excellence lasts indefinitely. The company now carries out the TQM measures on an ongoing basis. This phase includes the refinement and dynamization of the TQM. It's about continually improving the process. Divergences are corrected, errors are tracked down and eliminated. The company is now a learning organization that develops new ideas (from employees) and tries to implement them. The main objective of this phase is to refine the TQM processes.

Starting with the field of action society. The core task is the design and management of public topics. In which the company participates politically and presents with desirable opinion formation and legislation. In addition, the craft of corporate social responsibility should be improved. Nature conservation should be included in the environmental measures and environmental assessments must be drawn up. In addition, the corporate headquarters can be structurally adapted to the corporate philosophy. The field of action processes promotes self-organization. For example, independence should be encouraged in the teams. Expert centers for specialized knowledge are formed and are organizational supporters of the teams. A competitive culture is created and theoretical organizational proposals implemented.

The controlling field determines new boundary lines by developing and applying demarcation systems. Mutual control systems are developed and used. Obstacle detection systems are designed and early problem detection systems are developed.

Target planning is responsible for promoting independent target planning. Starting points are the development of early warning systems that capture changes in the market and the environment. The teams are empowered to set operational goals. Forward-looking corporate objectives for the goals of the teams must be established. The realization of goals must be separated from the performance evaluation for managers and employees. This also promotes communication among each other.

The main goal of these 4 phases is business excellence and sustainable, continuous increase in value.


  • Malorny's phase model at , accessed on January 11, 2018.
  • Hans-Dieter Zollondz: Basics of quality management: Introduction to history, terms, systems and concepts. Oldenbourg Verlag, 3rd edition 2011, ISBN 3-486-59798-1 , p. 451.
  • Christian Malorny: Implementing TQM. The way to business excellence . Schaffer Poeschel, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-7910-1104-9 , pp. 352-372.
  • Thomas Brandt: Process-oriented controlling concept for measures of total quality management . 1999, p. 9; , last accessed on January 11, 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Course “Organization and Technology Management” , accessed on: December 18, 2017
  2. a b c d Hans-Dieter Zollondz: Basics of quality management: Introduction to history, terms, systems and concepts . Oldenbourg Verlag, ISBN 3-486-59798-1 , pp. 449-451
  3. Christian Malorny: Implementing TQM. The way to business excellence . Schaffer Poeschel, Stuttgart 1996, p. 352f .; P. 382; 412-438
  4. Christian Malorny: Implementing TQM. The way to business excellence . Schaffer Poeschel, Stuttgart 1996, p. 352f .; P. 444; 469-490
  5. Thomas Brandt: Process-oriented controlling concept for measures of total quality management . P. 11.
  6. Christian Malorny: Implementing TQM. The way to business excellence . Schaffer Poeschel, Stuttgart 1996, p. 352f .; Pp. 367-370
  7. Christian Malorny: Implementing TQM. The way to business excellence . Schaffer Poeschel, Stuttgart 1996, pp. 352f .; p. 523; 535-544