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Viili (Swedish fil ) refers to Finnish sour milk . It can be used in a similar way to yogurt or sour milk. In its typical form (with 3.5% fat) it is slightly viscous and pulls long threads. As Kermaviili (Kerma = cream) with 10% fat, it can be used like crème fraîche .

In Finland , Viili is also often served with cinnamon and sugar, jam, fresh berries or, traditionally, with talkkuna .

Viili is easy to make yourself using a serving of Viili as a base. One portion (200 ml) is mixed with one liter of pasteurized whole milk at about 30 ° C and divided into 6 dishes. After about 24 hours in a warm place, the culture is ripe and can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. The next culture can be made from one of the dishes.

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Another recipe with reference to starter culture

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