Villa Rustica (Petit-Bersac)

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The Villa Rustica von Petit-Bersac is the remains of a Roman country estate in Petit-Bersac in the Dordogne department in France .

The remains of the villa have been known since the 19th century. Extensive excavations took place mainly in the years 1965 to 1979, whereby the facility was only partially exposed. Parts of the mansion came to light in the northeast. To the southwest of it there were remains of various farm buildings. The mansion was once over 100 meters long with the main facade facing southwest with a long water basin in front of the building. Next to the basin is a well-preserved sewer that is still accessible today.

The villa was probably built in the first century and was inhabited until the Merovingian period.

The villa was once richly furnished. There were mosaic stones (but no preserved mosaics), remains of wall paintings, Corinthian capitals and fragments of statues.


  • Hervé Gaillard: La Dordogne (= Carte archaeologique de la Gaule 24/1), Paris 1996, ISBN 2-87754-051-0 , pp. 177-190.

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