Virgin's Dream

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Virgin's Dream was a German rock band from the late 1960s and early 1970s.


As Virgin's Blue Dream based band made their first steps in the youth scene of their Essenes home 1968. bandleader and songwriter Rolf Trenkler led the group until its dissolution in 1972. awareness about North Rhine-Westphalia out and was able to have a loyal following of as Family designated Followers, to which several musicians belonged at the time, are happy. The blues-based acid rock integrated numerous influences, including electronic ones; At their concerts, the musicians were one of the first to use a psychedelic light show. The available (live) recordings were published in small numbers after many years.


  • Rolf Trenkler - piano, vocals, guitar
  • Charly White Skull - Bass
  • Jazzy Rüger - guitar
  • Theo Marpe (later: Frank Pieper) - drums


  • 1972: The X-Tapes (album)
  • 1980: Sophisty (album)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The band at Krautrock Music Circus
  2. The band at ProgArchives