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Virtuality is the property of a thing not to exist in the form in which it appears to exist, but to resemble a thing existing in this form in its essence or its effect. Virtuality therefore means an imaginary entity that is present in its functionality or effect.

The word leads back via the French term virtuel (able to work, possible) back to the Latin word virtus (virtue, bravery, ability, strength, masculinity).

In the modern understanding, virtuality also alludes to the sphere of possibility , if one takes some meanings of the adjective virtual as a basis, such as “available as a possibility according to its nature” and “understanding the possibility of something in itself”.


Business administration
Virtual organization
Virtual team
Energy industry
Virtual power plant
Educational advice
Virtual advice center
Computer science
Virtualization as a method of resource sharing
a property of methods that can be overwritten when inherited, see object-oriented programming
Virtual Reality (Engl. Virtual reality in short VR)
Virtual memory
Virtual IP address
Virtual drive
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
Virtual machine
Virtual class
Virtual property
Virtual water
Virtual classroom
Virtual ethics
Virtual picture
Virtual work
Virtual particle
Virtual mass (electronics)
Virtual games

Web links

Wiktionary: virtual  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Virtuality, Etymology and Meaning of Words. From: Glossary of Image Philosophy. GIB ( Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen . Philosophical Faculty - Institute for Media Studies)