Vice Mayor

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The vice mayor ( deputy mayor , deputy mayor ) is the deputy head of the administration of a municipality , association municipality or city .


In Lithuania , the vice mayor (lit. mero pavaduotojas , colloquially known as vicemeras ) is both a politician and an official . He acts as a mayor ( meras ) when he cannot exercise his powers. The tasks are determined by the mayor for the term of office. There is at least one vice mayor in every municipality. In the large municipalities two (for example, in Klaipėda ) or three deputy mayors (in Kaunas and Vilnius ).


There are two or three vice mayors in every municipality, depending on the election results and the size of the municipality.


In South Tyrol the deputy mayor is nominated by the mayor as deputy mayor. In places with more than 13,000 inhabitants and in centers where this is stipulated by the municipal statutes, the vice mayor may not belong to the same language group as the mayor.

Individual evidence

  1. Lietuvos Respublikos vietos savivaldos įstatymas