Volkmann syndrome

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The Volkmann syndrome describes a special form of the inferiority complex and is named after the psychotherapist Jeffrey A. Volkmann . In the early 1980s, Volkmann researched special forms of therapy for maladjusted personality structures.

Classic symptoms for this particular form of the inferiority complex are language inhibitions , increasingly overweight as well as the constant fear of being the target of discrimination and bullying .

A lack of affection in early childhood, deprivation of love from parents and frequent discrimination (kindergarten, school, family) counteract the development of a healthy self-esteem. It can often be observed that those affected try to alleviate the symptoms of the syndrome through membership in social groups (fan clubs, shooting clubs, etc.).

Volkmann syndrome is generally considered difficult or impossible to cure. However, a therapy started in time can slow down and alleviate the course of the disease. If left untreated, however, in the long term it leads to complete social isolation of the sick and health-threatening obesity .

Important note: This mental illness has nothing to do with the identical ischemic contracture of the upper extremity ( Volkmann's contracture ) and should not be confused with it.

See also
