Woehrmann monument

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The Wöhrmann monument is a monument to the patroness Anna Wöhrmann (1750–1827) in the Latvian capital Riga in the Wöhrmannscher Garten park, which she co-founded, on the eastern edge of Riga's old town, in the northwestern part of the park.

Woehrmann Memorial, 2018

Design and history

historic Woehrmann monument, between 1910 and 1918
Monument with lions, 2002

Her son Johann Christoph Wöhrmann , Prussian Consul General, was also committed to the park and, in 1829 , had an obelisk made of granite erected in memory of his mother , along with a memorial plaque in German . At the end of the 19th century, the location of the monument was changed as part of a redesign of the park. In 1884 two sculptures depicting lions were erected near the obelisk, which were created in Augusta Folca's workshop . In 1954 the monument was demolished and the lions moved.

From 1998 there was an initiative to rebuild the monument. The obelisk was reconstructed and the lions re-erected. The inauguration took place on July 26, 2000. The new obelisk is the work of Inga Medne and Sandrs Skribnovskis . The bronze plaque made with the original text comes from Edvīns Krūmiņš . In 2011 the lion sculptures were restored by the stonemason Ivars Felbergs .

On the obelisk there is the inscription in German:

founder of
this public
because. Mrs. Aeltestin
b. Ebel

On the back of the obelisk there is another inscription referring to the foundation of the monument:

Erected in 1829 by those who appreciate the value of this complex

Web links

Commons : Wöhrmann monument  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 56 ° 57 '6 "  N , 24 ° 7' 1.9"  E