Libra Hanover

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Waage Hannover is a non-profit mediation and arbitration institution in Germany.

Foundation and development

Libra Hannover was founded in 1990 in Hanover as a registered association founded by an interdisciplinary group of persons from the judiciary and the legal profession, social work / education, police and science. The aim of the non-profit association is to provide a social space-related offer of extrajudicial dispute resolution in the city and region of Hanover. Citizens who get into a dispute with one another, are involved in a legal dispute or are involved in and affected by a crime should be given low-threshold access to mediation .

In 2006 the association received the seal of approval from the Federal Working Group TOA, which was recently (2010) extended for a further 5 years. On May 7, 2011, Waage Hannover was awarded the so-called JugendWinWinno from the international DACH mediation association at the International Mediation Days in Hamburg. Waage Hannover was honored for its innovative and successful project for “advice and mediation in highly escalated family conflicts” (especially of families exposed to violence) and the cross-institutional cooperation and networking in family conflicts that it practiced. In 2015, Waage received the Lower Saxony Prize "Priceless and Voluntary" for its "Intercultural Competence" project.

Fields of work

The association mediates in everyday, civil law as well as in criminal law conflicts. The Libra employees have mediated in over 8000 cases (as of December 2008) and contributed to the development of nationally applicable professional mediation standards ( e.g. TOA standards, mediation standards in cases of domestic violence). Waage Hannover is considered to be the first nationwide agency to carry out the out-of-court settlement of criminal offenses with adults, as well as with its model project for the training and involvement of voluntary mediators, which was started in June 2002 with funding from the State of Lower Saxony .

In September 2008, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice approved the association as a non-profit mediation association as a state-recognized quality agency for the out-of-court settlement of civil law disputes.Participants in a (legal) dispute can thus acquire an enforcement title based on out-of-court mediation to settle their conflict.

For several years now, Waage has been carrying out the model project "Intercultural Competence in Mediation", in which citizens with a mediation background receive a mediation training course (especially 200 hours) recognized according to the standards of the federal mediation associations and then mediate in an interdisciplinary team of mediators. For this purpose, the scale was awarded the Lower Saxony Prize “Priceless and Voluntary” in November 2015.

Since 2016, the association has also carried out the model project Restorative Justice in order to strengthen the essential aspects of the Restorative Justice philosophy (in particular stronger integration of the social environment of those involved in the conflict and anchoring of conflict settlement in the social environment; compensation also in the area of ​​serious crimes and in prison) To enforce.

Areas of activity

  • State-approved quality agency and non-profit mediation center for the city and region of Hanover for the settlement of civil law disputes
  • Cooperation partner of family courts and youth welfare office for mediation in (highly controversial) family conflicts (e.g. contact regulations), especially in so-called "violent" families (cf. §§ 8a, 17 SGB VIII, § 165 FamFG)
  • Cooperation partner of the public prosecutor's office and the courts to carry out an out-of-court settlement of the offense ( offender-victim settlement )
  • Model project for the implementation of the Restorative Justice Approach (integration of the social environment of those involved in the conflict, reconciliation talks in the case of serious crimes, reconciliation talks in prison)
  • Advice and Intervention Center (BISS) and part of the HaIP network for prevention and intervention in the area of ​​domestic / intra-family violence
  • Training program for mediators according to the standards of the federal mediation associations (BM, BMWA and BAFM); Model project "Intercultural Competence in Mediation"
  • Organizer of communal prevention projects (for example the exhibition "Violence is never private!"),

Team: employees and board

All mediators working for Waage Hannover (voluntary honorary and full-time) have a mediation qualification corresponding to the professional standards of the mediation associations (BAFM, BM, BMWA). Member of the founding board and (since 2006) 1st chairman is the lawyer and social scientist Thomas Trenczek .

Individual evidence

  1. Pfeiffer, H./Trenczek, T .: The functions of a municipal arbitration body . In: Pfeiffer, H./Trenczek, T. (Hrsg.): Municipal crime prevention - paradigm shift and rediscovery of old wisdom . 1996, p. 397-409 .
  2. Thomas Trenczek, Jutta Klenzner, Lutz Netzig, mediation through volunteers? Involvement of voluntary moderators in professional structures close to social space arbitration , in: Zeitschrift für Konflictmanagement , Volume 2004, No. 1, p. 14ff.
  3. Homepage of the Federal Mediation Association in Business and Work . Retrieved June 23, 2009.
  4. ^ Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice , last accessed on June 23, 2009
  5. ^ German Prevention Day , last accessed on June 23, 2009
  6. Waage website , last accessed on July 8, 2017
  7. Central for Mediation Newsletter  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , last accessed on July 8, 2017@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  8. Waage website , last accessed on July 8, 2017
  9. Waage website , last accessed on July 8, 2017
  10. [1]


  • Netzig / Trenczek: Diversity and quality assurance in a large team of mediators - The Mediation Center Waage Hannover ; Spectrum of Mediation 52/2013, pp. 42–47.
  • Pfeiffer, H./Trenczek, T .: On the functions of a municipal arbitration board . In: Pfeiffer, H./Trenczek, T. (Hrsg.): Municipal crime prevention - paradigm shift and rediscovery of old wisdom . 1996, p. 397-409 .
  • Thomas Trenczek: Dispute settlement in civil society . In: Journal for Legal Sociology , Volume 26, 2005, pp. 3ff.
  • Waage Hannover (Hrsg.): Civic engagement in the context of social space-related mediation - model project of WAAGE Hannover eV Hannover 2006.

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 22 ′ 50.3 "  N , 9 ° 44 ′ 39.5"  E