Wad- en Sontvaarder

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Goede favor with the Watt and Sund drivers

A Wad- en Sontvaarder , in German Watt- and Sundfahrer , is a type of cargo ship that was mainly built by shipyards in the province of Groningen in the 1920s and early 1930s . The ships were a transitional design from the previously used Groningen coastal sailors such as Seetjalken, Schooner and Schooneraaken to the coaster that was emerging in the 1930s .


Wad- en Sontvaarder are built similarly to contemporary Dutch motorized inland vessels, but somewhat wider and heavier in construction in order to ensure sufficient seaworthiness for coastal travel in the wadden areas, the southern North Sea and the Baltic Sea. They were provided with ballast tanks in a double floor and auxiliary sails. Most of these ships sailed from the Groningen harbors along the Winschoterdiep . This type of ship disappeared again from coastal travel in the years after the Second World War.


  • Ger Blijham: Nieuw van de bijl: dreihonderdviftig jaar scheepsbouw lang het Winschoterdiep: 1650-1999 , Stichting HS-Maritiem Geschiedeniswinkel RUG, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, 1999, p. 135ff.
  • J. Th. Wilke, S. Halfweeg: Neerlands scheepsbouw en scheepvaart , Volume 2, Wyt, Rotterdam, 1943

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