Elective performance

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The optional service is a term from the hospital system. This refers to services that do not serve the medically necessary care, which are paid for as statutory benefits by the statutory health insurance companies . These include B. accommodation in a 1 or 2-bed room, provision of medical extras or treatment by doctors of choice in the hospital.

Additional extras can be booked for accommodation, such as B. an Internet connection, optional catering, taking in a partner, watching TV in bed. Medical extras include treatments for which there is no medical indication (e.g. cosmetic surgery), extended services in connection with general hospital services (e.g. extended laboratory services) or alternative services that deviate from the standard treatment provided (e.g. B. novel implants or surgical methods). Elective doctors are the hospital's doctors who are authorized to liquidate and who have special qualifications and experience in their medical field. Usually these are the chief physicians at the hospital.

Legal situation in Germany

Patients with statutory health insurance have to pay for optional services themselves. However, private supplementary insurance for hospital stays is offered. B. reimburse the cost of accommodation in a single or double room and / or treatment by a doctor of choice.

Patients can only be billed for optional services if they conclude a written contract with the hospital in advance ( Section 17 of the Hospital Charges Act). This so-called optional service agreement only becomes effective with the signature of the patient or his authorized representative / supervisor and the signature of the doctor or the hospital representative. Agreements that are only signed by the patient are ineffective.

The calculation of the medical and medical optional services is based on the fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ), no flat-rate fees may be charged. Bills for optional medical services are to be reduced by 25 percent. Are the bills from external elective doctors, d. H. Doctors who have been commissioned by elective doctors in the hospital in which the patient is located must be reduced by 15 percent.

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