Additional insurance

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The term supplementary insurance is colloquially used to describe supplementary health or accident insurance for those with statutory health insurance. In addition, the importance extends to occupational disability insurance , for example in the case of combination products that include occupational disability and term life insurance in addition to pension modules.

In Germany, a tax-subsidized Rürup pension can be supplemented by up to 49% of the tariff contribution with occupational disability or survivor protection.

There are 25 million private supplementary insurances in Germany.

In Austria, this is understood to mean an insurance that covers not only the special class in hospitals but also outpatient treatment (i.e. the outpatient tariff).

Individual evidence

  1. Stiftung Warentest: Disability Insurance - Replacement for the salary in: Finanztest 07/2005 (accessed online on February 4, 2013)
  2. Stiftung Warentest: Rürup Contract: Additional services are rarely worthwhile , in: Finanztest 03/2007 (accessed online on February 4, 2013)
  3. Dyrk Scherff: Better not privately insured, in: FAS No. 2, January 14, 2018, p. 33.

Web links

Wiktionary: Supplementary insurance  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations