Umm ar-Rihan forest area

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View over the forest to the northeast. In the center of the picture the Israeli settlement Reihan, on the straight road that crosses the picture behind it are the Palestinian villages Umm ar-Rihan, Izbat ar-Raghdiya, Dhaher al-Malik. In the background the Israeli settlements of Tal Menashe, Hinanit and Shakid. The barrier runs east of the forest area

The forest area of ​​Umm ar-Rihan (other spelling: Umm al-Rihan) is a partially protected area in the West Bank . It is located in the northwest of Jenin and borders the Green Line . The forest area, which is state property, was registered by the Permanent Delegation of Palestine to UNESCO in 2012 on the tentative list of world natural heritage. It is about 60,000 dunams of hill country, which are covered with dense forests - the largest forest area in the West Bank. It reaches a maximum height of 412 meters above sea level.

Flora and fauna

There are 260,000 dunams or 26,000 hectares of forest in the West Bank. The districts of Tulkarem and Jenin, which are comparatively sparsely populated, with a total of 235,000 dunams, own the largest part of the Palestinian forest land in the Mediterranean semi-coastal zone. A mixed forest, including Aleppo pines (Pinus halapensis ), pistachios (Pistacia spp.) , Carob trees ( Ceratonia siliqua) , Mediterranean cypresses (Cupressus sempervirens) and oaks (Quercus spp .), Benefits from the abundant rainfall in this area .

With regard to biodiversity, it is of interest that in the nature reserve of Umm ar-Rihan wild forms of barley and wheat as well as fruit trees occur.

The forest area is a resting and breeding area for many bird species. Among the migratory birds found in the Umm ar-Rihan forest are endangered species such as the white stork , the red chalk hawk ( Falco naumanni) and the honey buzzard ( Pernis apivorus). The Egyptian vulture ( Neophron percnopterus ) breeds here.


Palestinian villages as well as Israeli settlements are located here in a nature reserve that was designated during the British mandate. The Israeli barrier runs east of it .

Umm ar-Rihan (Palestinian village)

The name of the forest area is Umm ar-Rihan ("mother of basil"), a village of around 420 inhabitants. It was established in the late 19th century from the village of Yabed as a non-permanent agricultural settlement; it has been permanently inhabited since 1922. The village has 930 dunams of land, 630 of which are registered as private property in the land register. Israel had not issued a building permit for Umm ar-Rihan since 1967, the justification being its location in a future nature reserve. With the support of the NGO Bimkom , the residents applied for building permits, some of which were granted after a process lasting several years: In 2008, the civil administration allowed the construction of 200 residential units on 85 dunams of land.

Reihan (Israeli settlement)

Reihan (ריחן) is established in 1977 moshav with 265 inhabitants.

The Israeli civil administration, as trustee for abandoned and state-owned land in the West Bank, gave the settlement department of the World Zionist Organization 3,500 dunams of land in 1994 "for the purpose of planning, developing and building the settlement," which this settlement department in 1995 made very advantageous Awarded conditions to the residents of Reihan.

Web links


  • Forest Ordinance , Proclamation No. 4 of 1943, by the High Commissioner (Forest Reserve, name: Rihan). In: The Palestine Gazette No. 1274, July 1, 1943, Supplement No.2 ( online )

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Amira Hass: Fifty Dunams for NIS 1 per Year That's how much land a Civil Administration employee received in the West Bank. In: Haaretz. September 2, 2011, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  2. ^ The World Conservation Monitoring Center (Ed.): Protected Areas of the World: A review of national systems . tape 2 . Cambridge 1991, p. 528 : "The forest reserves included Reihan Forest (Umm-Ri'han) west of the village of Ya'bad"
  3. ^ List of localities, in Alphabetical order. (No longer available online.) December 31, 2017, archived from the original on May 17, 2018 ; accessed on December 27, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Coordinates: 32 ° 29 ′ 1 ″  N , 35 ° 8 ′ 31 ″  E