Wall flip

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Wallflip is a technical term used in parkour sports. It describes a trick that mainly consists of one or more steps on a wall and a subsequent backflip.

This trick is often performed in the sport of free running , which combines elements from gymnastics and parkour . A wall flip involves walking at a medium pace on a wall (or other surface that is vertical or nearly vertical) and placing your foot on the surface. Then push yourself up and away from the wall with enough force to complete the three-quarter rotation, and land on your feet again.



Two-Step Wallflip
This is identical to the "One-Step Wallflip". When doing this, you take one more step on the wall, a total of two steps. This trick can be performed with both feet first; Beginners should use their non-dominant foot on the first step in order to have more strength to push off and complete the turn on the second step

Three-Step Wallflip
The “Three-Step Wallflip” is also a wallflip, but is carried out with three steps. It does not matter which step combination is used. Beginners should push off with their dominant foot first, so the last step is carried out with the dominant leg, which makes it easier to complete the flip.

Four-Step Wallflip
The four-step wallflip is unusual and is usually performed inside a sports hall.

Wallflip Twist
This trick, like the usual wallflip, starts with the performer walking towards a wall and placing his or her foot on the surface. After putting the foot on the wall, the performer rotates the upper body half a turn while at the same time pushing off to perform the flip . As a result, the artist ends up with his back to the wall.

Wall-to-wall flip
The wall-to-wall flip involves more than one wall. The athlete runs towards one surface and places one foot there, then jumps or runs onto the second surface (usually at a 90 degree corner) and then pushes off with the other foot to complete the turn. This trick can be performed with any combination of steps or directions.

Wallflip Full Twist
The trick starts with the placing of the foot on a wall, then the performer pushes off from the wall, a back flip , and a 360 ° - rotation during the back flips perform. After completing both rotations, the athlete does not land with his back, but with his gaze at the wall.


The wall flip is a simple trick as it only consists of a three-quarter turn instead of a full turn. One quarter is omitted because the trick starts on a vertical plane. To do the wall flip correctly, you have to push yourself up and away from the wall at the same time. By pushing off the wall, the operator cannot come into contact with the surface. The upward force brings altitude and strengthens the rotation to guarantee a correct landing.

To overcome the fear of not completely completing the turn, a spotters or two can be used. These should stand to the side of the person performing the task to help with the rotation if necessary.

Web links

Wikibooks: Parkour  - learning and teaching materials (English)