Walter Volmer

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Walter Volmer (* 14th century ; † around 1430 in Aachen ) was a lay judge and mayor of the imperial city of Aachen .


The son of Volmer in St. Jacobstrasse came from an old patrician and lay judge family, whose members held public offices in Aachen at the beginning of the 14th century. These included the mayor of aldermen Arnold Volmer and Konrad Volmer , who did not belong to the aldermen's chair but was elected mayor-mayor. Walter Volmer himself was accepted into the college of aldermen and, according to the source, Aachen mayor from 1251 to 1798 was elected mayor of the Free Imperial City of Aachen in 1427 . Hermann Friedrich Macco dates in his book Aachener Wappen und Genealogien, Vol. II, the term of office to 1426 whereas there are no entries in the source The lay judges of the royal chair about a term of office as mayor.

Walter Volmer was the owner of a grinding mill and a shareholder in a Galmeigrube near Kelmis as well as a feudal lord of several estates. He was married to Fultschgin van Boemel, with whom he had several daughters. Walter Volmer was the last of his family to hold an important office. At the end of the 15th century, the male family died out.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Friedrich Macco: Aachen coat of arms and genealogies. Volume 2, Aachen 1907 ( S.208 and S. 209 ).