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Under conversion ability is the ability of a system adjustment to the active, fast the structures on time unpredictable changing tasks from its own substance (adaptability) in connection with the capability of evolutionary development of the structures in temporally constant or long-term unpredictable changing requirements on their own substance (developability ).

The term is very topical in the context of industrial production, see adaptable production systems .

Definition of terms compared to flexibility and adaptivity

The ability to change is differentiated from the flexibility and adaptivity as follows: Flexibility is called the property of a system that contrasts a need for change with a corresponding, activatable change potential in the system. In terms of flexibility, it is sufficient if the need for change is recognized and changes are made available from outside. With adaptivity, the system recognizes the need for change itself (e.g. in the case of learning systems), but suitable alternatives are provided externally.


  • Andresen, K .; Gronau, N .; Schmid, S .: Derivation of IT strategies by determining the necessary adaptability of information system architectures. In (Ferstl, OK; Sinz, EJ; Eckert, S .; Isselhorst, T. eds.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005, Physica-Verlag (Heidelberg), 2005.
  • Knof, H.-L .: CIM and organizational flexibility; Munich 1992 (also dissertation, University of Bochum, 1991).

Individual evidence

  1. Hartmann 1995
  2. Knof 1992, p. 67
  3. Andresen, Gronau, Schmid 2005, pp. 63–82