Warburg Dillon Read

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Warburg Dillon Read was briefly the brand name of the Investment Banking division of what was then the Swiss Bank Association (SBV) and later UBS .

When the SBV founded the investment bank SG Warburg Plc. in London, he changed its name to "SBC Warburg - A Division of Swiss Bank Corporation" and integrated it into the company as the Investment Banking division.

In 1997, the SBV took over the long-established New York investment bank Dillon, Read & Co., founded in 1832, and integrated it into the existing SBC Warburg division, which was renamed SBC Warburg Dillon Read.

With the merger in 1998 of the then Swiss Bank Corporation (SBV) with the then Swiss Bank Corporation (SBG) to form UBS, the newly founded UBS was structured into five divisions. The Investment Banking division was operated under the brand name Warburg Dillon Read .

At the beginning of 2000, UBS gave itself a new business structure, consisting of the three corporate groups UBS Switzerland, UBS Asset Management and UBS Warburg. With that, the name Dillon Read disappeared.

In June 2003 UBS launched the uniform brand under which the bank will from now on appear as one company worldwide. With this, the name Warburg disappeared from UBS's image.


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www.ubs.com History of UBS