Warrior cats

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A "warrior cat"

Warrior Cats [ wɑɻiɑɹ kæts ] ( eng. For warrior cats , original Warriors ) is a fantasy novel series by the group of authors Erin Hunter .

The story of the novel series is about wild cats , which initially belong to four, later five or six different clans ( DonnerClan , SchattenClan , WolkenClan, WindClan , RiverClan and StarClan ). The series currently (2020) consists of seven seasons (currently only two volumes of the seventh season in German), each consisting of six books, as well as individual books and other media (e.g. mangas and e-books). It also becomes the trunk of the rushing watersmentioned who lives in the mountains. The cats of a clan fight for survival together with their clan comrades, whereby each cat is assigned a specific task in the clan, e.g. B. warriors, leaders, healers, etc. Almost all cats of the clans also believe in the StarClan , in which the deceased warriors of all clans reside. After their death they also go there, unless they don't believe in StarClan or have committed bad things during their lifetime - in the latter case they end up in the so-called "Forest of Darkness", a dark, eerie forest in which evil has power . If StarClan or Forest of Darkness Cats are killed again, they will disintegrate. (Examples: Tiger Star ST1, Tüpfelblatt, ...) Domestic kittens come into the domestic kitten heaven, whereby the house kittens actually also dissolve. But they live on through memories in the cats' heads.

Row overview

Season 1 ( Warrior Cats )


The house kitten Sammy (in the English original: Rusty , German for "rusty") constantly dreams of going hunting in the forest. One day his dreams come true and he meets Thunder Clan cats who live in the forest and take care of themselves. They ask him if he would like to come with them and lead a free clan life. He decides to do so, now leads a life in the forest and becomes a pupil of Firepaw . Shortly after he is accepted into the clan, he has to solve a betrayal and prove himself more often than all other cats because house kittens are considered effeminate. He gets the name Fireheart and is respected more and more, except by his archenemy Tiger Claw and his "friend" Darkstripe. Fortunately, Tiger Claw's treachery can be cleared up with the help of Fireheart and Gray Stripe's old friend Ravenpaw, and Tiger Claw has to leave the clan. Fireheart becomes second leader. During the season, his relationship with Sandstorm grows stronger. After Blaustern's death because of a pack of dogs, he becomes a fire star. In addition, Gray Stripe, Fireheart's best friend, is entangled in a fateful love with the FlussClan female Silberfluss.

Parts of the first season

  1. Into the Wild ( Into the Wild )
  2. Fire and Ice ( Fire and Ice )
  3. Secret of the Forest ( Forest of Secrets )
  4. Before the storm ( rising storm )
  5. Hazardous tracks ( A Dangerous Path )
  6. Hour of darkness ( The Darkest Hour )

Season 2: The New Prophecy ( The New Prophecy )


Four young cats ( crow's paw , feather tail , amber fur and Brambleclaw ) received from strange dreams from the four clans of the forest StarClan . They are chosen to save their clans from great calamity. So they set out with two other cats (Stormfur and Squirrel Paw) to the sun's water nest to meet “midnight” and save all the clans. In the meantime, the book has also been written from the perspective of Eichhornpfote's sister Blattpfote. Both are the daughters of Firestar and Sandstorm and the protagonists in the season. Feathertail unfortunately dies on the journey, but they learn that the clans have to move. Because of the destruction of the old territory, all four clans go on a great journey and find a new home. Blattpfote, soot fur's healer student, was given the name Blattsee. She later falls in love with the WindClan tomcat, Crow Feather. Eichhornpfote is later called Eichhornschweif and is in a relationship with Blackberry Claw, which, however, fluctuates as the two often quarrel. But it is actually clear that they belong together. In a battle against Badgers, Sootfur is killed and Ampferschweif has four cubs, one of whom is Sootfur's rebirth. Gray stripe is taken away by bipeds (humans) and disappears without a trace.

Parts of the second season

  1. Midnight ( Midnight )
  2. Moonlight ( moonrise )
  3. Dawn ( Dawn )
  4. Sternenglanz ( Starlight )
  5. Dusk ( Twilight )
  6. Sunset ( Sunset )

Season 3: The Power of Three ( The Power of Three )


Eichhornschweif had three cubs from Blackberry Claw: jay cub, thistle cub and lion cub. Even if the jay cub is blind, he has special abilities: he can read minds and see dreams about other cats. He becomes a healer student. Thistle Cub can hunt very well and skillfully, and lion cub cannot die in battle. All three are part of the prophecy. This is about three cats who are related to fire star and who will save the clans. Meanwhile, Graystripe returns to ThunderClan with his new companion Millie, a house kitten who has helped him. Feuerstern has now named Blackberry Claw as his successor. The siblings are named Löwenglut, Jay's Feather and Thistle Leaf and find out that the squirrel tail and blackberry claw are not their parents, which nobody else knows. They are very disappointed because they cannot be part of the prophecy. Ashfur is also killed. He was so obsessed with squirrel tail that he wanted to kill the siblings. At the end you find out that Blattsee, the healer cat of the DonnerClan, is the mother of the three and that Crow Feather from WindClan is her father. Only Blattsee and Eichhornschweif knew about this secret. Experience the glow of the lion and the jay feather that killed the thistle leaf ash fur. Shortly after her confession to the brothers, she collapses in the tunnels and is dead.

Parts of the third season

  1. The secret View ( The Sight )
  2. River of Darkness ( Dark River )
  3. Banished ( Outcast )
  4. Time of Darkness ( Eclipse )
  5. Long Shadows ( Long Shadows )
  6. Sunrise ( Sunrise )

Season 4: Signs of Stars ( Omen of the stars )


Jayfeather and Löwenglut find out that Pigeon Paw, who is a daughter of Whitefly, who is the daughter of Firestar's nephew Cloudtail, is the third. Pigeon paw can see and hear far into the distance. Löwenglut also falls in love with Rußherz. Pigeon Paw's sister Ivy Paw is sad because she thinks she is no longer important to her sister. At night she is trained in the dangerous forest of darkness. But Pigeon Paw falls in love with the ShadowClan warrior Tigerherz, the son of Blackberry Claw's sister Amberfur. She meets with him in secret. Thistle Leaf returns to ThunderClan - she wasn't dead, just lived in the tunnels. She is no longer as spirited and stubborn as she used to be. Pigeon paw and ivy paw are named the warriors Pigeon Flight and Ivy Lake. Efeusee learns of the prophecy and is now spying for the three. In the last, final volume, there is the great fight against the forest of darkness. Thistle leaf really dies, as does fire star. Blackberry Claw becomes Blackberry Star, his successor. The clans manage to win, but lose many cats.

Parts of the 4th season

  1. The fourth student ( The Fourth Apprentice )
  2. Far echo ( fading echoes )
  3. Voices of the Night ( Night Whispers )
  4. Trace of the Moon ( Sign of the Moon )
  5. The Lost Warrior ( The Forgotten Warrior )
  6. The last hope ( The Last Hope )

Season 5: The origin of the clans ( Dawn of the clan )


Warning: This season plays before everyone else and tells how the five clans came about. The cats in the mountains are starving. Their leader, Half Moon , also known as the teller of the pointed stones, had a dream of a new place with a lot of loot. A brave group of cats, led by Schattiges Moos and his daughter Großer Schatten , goes in search of the sun path. Grauer Flug, the protagonist, doesn't want to come along at first. His companion, Turtle Tail, comes along, as does his brother Cloudy Sky. But when the little brother of the two, Zackiger Berg, simply disappears, Grauer Flug follows him and the two go with the group. Sparkling brook, cloud sky companion, is killed by eagles, but finally the group arrives at a beautiful location. Schattiges Moos also died on a thunder path, so that his daughter Großer Schatten takes the lead. The cats settle in a depression on the moor, but after a short time the cloudy sky is no longer in the mood and sets up his own camp in the forest. This will later become the CloudClan. Wolkenhimel has strict rules and is the first to set up border patrols. Windläufer, a former single runner, founder of WindClan in the valley on the moor. Donner, Wolkenhimmels daughter of a single runner named Sturm, founds DonnerClan, also in the forest. Flowing river creates RiverClan and Great Shadow creates ShadowClan. Grauer Flugs companion becomes slate, cloudy sky companion sky star and Donner's companion Lila Morgen. Jagged Berg's companion is called thistle. One daughter of Windläufer / -stern, Mottenflug, gives the StarClan its name, introduces the healing cats and much more that is known to the clans today. The CloudClan is later driven out and is forgotten.

Parts of the 5th season

  1. The sun path ( The Sun Trail )
  2. Thunder ( Thunderbird Rising )
  3. The first fight ( The First Battle )
  4. The shining star ( The Blazing Star )
  5. The split wood ( A Forest Divided )
  6. The star path ( Path of Stars )

Season 6: A Vision of Shadows


This season follows on from the fourth. Squirrel tail and blackberry claw now have a healer student son, Alder Paw, and a warrior student daughter: Sparkpaw. Alder Paw receives strange dreams about a strange clan in need and travels to the gorge with Nadelpfote, a ShadowClan student, his sister Sparkpaw and the Sandstorm Elder, who can still remember the place since her dead companion Firestar was there with her once . But there they only find Dunkelschweif, a single runner, with a group of strays who call themselves the “Dunkelschweif family”. Sandstorm died on the trip, but is happy to be with Firestar in StarClan. Alderpaw and the others return, but Darktail has secretly followed them and conquers the ShadowClan. He keeps attacking the other clans and wants more power. Alder Paw becomes Alder Heart and finds two little boys whom he calls twig cub and violet cub. Branch Cub grows up in ThunderClan, Violet Cub in ShadowClan. She later joins the family. Nadelpfote is now called Nadelschweif and is Violet's best friend there. Branchpaw finds CloudClan, who no longer has a home because of Darktail, and he is accepted into the clans. When the sisters learn that they are CloudClan, they switch to this clan. Shortly before she was appointed warrior, Branchpaw switched back to ThunderClan. Violetpaw became Violet Shine and BranchPaw became Branchpaw. Darktail could be defeated. Violet shine awaits Junge von Baum, the mediator of the Cloud Clan. In the end, the clans redistribute the territory.

Parts of the 6th season

  1. The mission of the student ( The Apprentice's Quest )
  2. Thunder and Shadow ( Thunder and Shadow )
  3. Torn Clouds ( Shattered Sky )
  4. Darkest Night ( Darkest Night )
  5. River of Fire ( River of Fire )
  6. Furious storm ( The Raging Storm )

Season 7: The Broken Code


It is an incredibly hard and ice-cold leaf stand. Pigeon flight belongs to the SchattenClan and her companion Tigerherz is now the leader of the clan, from now on called Tigerstern . Together they have two daughters who are warriors: light jump and jump step. Her son is called Shadowpaw and is a healer student. Stachelpfote is a warrior student of Rosenblatt in DonnerClan. Stachelpfote is the daughter of Ivy Lake and Rauchklang. In WolkenClan, Rootpaw is the son of Veilchenglanz. He is annoyed by the older students about his "crazy" father Baum. His sister Nadelpfote doesn't mind their origin, but Wurzelpfote lets himself be provoked and breaks into the ice. He is nursed to health in DonnerClan and falls in love with Spikepaw, who, however, is in love with the warrior branch leaf. And the healer cats of the clans have lost contact with StarClan - except for one: Shadowpaw ...

Parts of the 7th season

  1. Lost Stars
  2. Icy Silence (The Silent Thaw)
  3. Veil of Shadows
  4. Darkness Within
  5. The place of no stars

Special Adventure ( Super Edition )

The books are about the life of different cats in the 5 clans.

  1. Firestars Mission ( Firestars Quest )
  2. The Fate of the Cloud Clans ( SkyClans Destiny )
  3. Bluestar's Prophecy ( Blue Stars Prophecy )
  4. Stripe Star's Determination ( Crookedstars Promise )
  5. Yellow Tooth's Secret ( Yelowfang's Secret )
  6. Giant Star's Revenge ( Tallstars Revenge )
  7. Bromberstern's Rise ( Brambelstars Storm )
  8. Moth flight Vision ( Moth flights Vision )
  9. Habicht Schwinges travel ( Hawkwings Journey )
  10. Tiger Heart Shadow ( Tiger Hearts Shadow )
  11. Crow Feder test ( Crowfeathers Trial )
  12. Eichhorn tail hope ( Squirrelflights Hope )
  13. Graystripes Vow

The World of Clans ( Field Guides )

Stories of the clans are told.

  1. Revealing the secrets ( Secrets of the Clans )
  2. Of heroes and traitors ( Cats of the Clans )
  3. The warrior ( Code of the Clans )
  4. Battles of the Clans
  5. Enter the clans
  6. The Warriors Guide
  7. The Ultimate Guide
  8. hierarchy


In the series of novels, there are groups of cats, the River , Wind , Shadow and ThunderClan , each of which rules over its own territory. Cats of other clans are prohibited from entering the territory of another clan. The WolkenClan , which was driven out by the two-legged (humans) and subsequently dissolved, is re-established by the fire star and sandstorm in the course of history. At its tip, Blattstern leads the cats of the new CloudClan . The StarClan are their warriors. Cats who have been guilty of too much are banished to the forest of darkness . Certain books also mention the tribe of the rushing waters that live in the mountains. The ancestors of the tribe of the rushing waters are the tribe of the eternal hunt .

Organization of the clans

The organizational structure of the clans is hierarchical; at their head there is always a leader. The leader selects a second leader who assigns patrols and becomes the leader himself if the leader dies or leaves. The warriors fight in battles or hunt prey for the clan. Cats that are pregnant become queens until their cubs reach a certain age at which they are made pupils. If this has happened for all kittens in the litter, the queen becomes a warrior again, or stays in the nursery and helps other queens with their kittens. If the cats get too old to fight or to get young cats, they become so-called elders who are looked after by the clan. In addition, each clan has a healer cat . This takes care of sick or injured cats and has a special bond with the StarClan . All cats from school age must obey the law of warriors.

Organization of the DonnerClan

The composition of the cats and thus their roles in the clan change over time. Therefore, the most important warriors and healers of the squadrons are shown here.

All leaders from all squadrons

  • Bluestar - blue-gray she-cat with a trace of silver around the snout
  • Feuerstern (successor to Bluestar )
  • Brombeerstern (successor to Feuerstern )
  • (Temporary) Squirrel Tail (End of The Broken Law, Lost Stars)

All second leaders from all seasons

  • Rotschweif - small, tortoiseshell-colored tomcat with a conspicuous red tail
  • Lionheart - magnificent golden-striped tomcat with thick fur like a lion's mane; mentor of Graupfote (later: gray stripe)
  • Tiger Claw - large dark brown tabby tomcat with exceptionally long front claws
  • Fireheart , later Firestar - handsome tomcat with red fur
  • White fur - large, white tomcat; Mentor of Sandpaw (later: Sandstorm)
  • Gray stripe - completely gray male with thick fur
  • Blackberry claw , later blackberry star - dark tabby tomcat with amber eyes
  • Eichhorn tail - dark red female with green eyes

All healers from all squadrons

  • Goose feather
  • Spotted leaf - beautiful, tortoiseshell-colored female with an unusually piebald coat
  • Yellow Tooth - old, gray she-cat with orange eyes, formerly with the ShadowClan
  • Soot fur - gray cat with blue eyes and an injured leg
  • Blattsee - light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
  • Jay feather - gray tabby, blind tomcat with blue eyes
  • Alder heart - dark red cat with amber eyes

Important warriors

  • Tiger's Claw - large, brown-striped tomcat, betrays Bluestar and is rejected
  • Dark stripes - slender, black and gray tabby tomcat; Mentor of Borkenpfote (later: Borkenfurz)
  • Long-tailed tomcat with light fur and black stripes
  • Storm wind - quick-footed, piebald cat
  • Sheen fur - very light gray she-cat with unusually blue eyes
  • Mouse fur - small, black-brown she-cat
  • Fireheart - handsome tomcat with red fur
  • Gray- striped long-haired, pure gray tomcat
  • Sandstorm - light yellow-brown she-cat
  • Bark fur - dark brown tabby tomcat
  • Thistle leaf - black she-cat with green eyes
  • Lion's glow - golden tabby tomcat
  • Flight of pigeons - light gray she-cat with blue eyes
  • Ivy lake - silver-white tiger cat with dark blue eyes

Important students

  • Bark paw , later bark fur - dark brown, tabby tomcat
  • Gray paw, later gray stripe - long-haired, pure gray tomcat
  • Raven paw , later a single runner - a small, lean black tomcat with a white tip of its tail and a tiny white spot on its chest
  • Sandpaw, later sandstorm - light, yellow-brown she-cat
  • Fire paw, later fire heart / fire star - handsome tomcat with red fur
  • Blackberry paw , later blackberry claw - dark brown tabby tomcat


  • Frostfell - she- cat with beautiful white fur and blue eyes
  • Colorful face - piebald she-cat
  • Goldblüte - she- cat with light, yellow-brown fur
  • Spotted tail - brightly piebald, oldest queen in the nursery


  • Short tail - dark brown tabby tomcat with a part of the tail missing
  • Small ear - gray male with small ears, the oldest male of the clan
  • Patch fur - small, black and white cat
  • One-eye - light gray she-cat, almost completely blind and deaf. Oldest female of the clan
  • Polka dot tail - once a pretty she-cat with tortoiseshell-colored fur

Organization of the Shadow Clan


  • Cedar star - dark gray tomcat with a white belly
  • Fetzenstern - father of Braunstern
  • Brown star - long-haired, dark brown tabby, ambitious tomcat with a kink in the tail
  • Nightstar black tomcat, but had no star clan life
  • Tiger Star - large, dark brown tabby cat with unusually long front claws, originally Warriors while ThunderClan
  • Black Star - large, white male with huge, pitch-black paws
  • Ash star - golden brown tomcat
  • Tiger star (tiger heart) - dark brown tabby tomcat
  • during season 6: (briefly) dark tail

Second leader

  • Stone-toothed gray-striped tomcat with long teeth
  • Blackfoot - large, white tomcat with huge, jet-black paws, six toes on one paw.
  • Light fur - thin, gray cat
  • Rust fur - dark, golden brown she-cat
  • Ash claw - red-brown tomcat
  • Crow frost - black and white hangover
  • Tiger heart - dark brown tabby tomcat
  • Amber fur - tortoiseshell-colored she-cat with green eyes
  • Juniper Claw - black tomcat
  • Kleefuß - gray tabby she-cat


  • Sage beard - white she-cat with long whiskers
  • Yellow Tooth - gray Käzin with amber eyes, later switched to DonnerClan
  • Sore nose - small, gray and white tomcat
  • Small cloud - very small, tabby tomcat
  • Flaming tail
  • Puddle gloss - brown tomcat with white spots


  • Stub tail - brown, piebald tomcat (mentor of Erdpfote )
  • Pebble - silver tabby tomcat (mentor of wet paw )
  • Scar face - brown tom cat full of battle scars (mentor of dwarf paw )


  • Twilight cloud - small, piebald she-cat
  • Shiny bloom - black and white she-cat


  • Ash fur - lean, gray tomcat
  • Night fur - black cat

Organization of the river clan


  • Jubelstern - predecessor of strip star
  • Stripe star - huge, bright tabby cat with a crooked jaw
  • Leopard Star (successor to Stripe Star and temporary leader of the Tiger Clan ) - unusually spotted, golden she-cat
  • Nebelstern (successor to Leopard Star ) - gray she-cat with blue eyes

Second leader

  • Oak heart - red-brown tomcat
  • Leopard skin , later leopard star - unusual spotted, golden she-cat
  • Stonefur - gray cat with battle scars on the ears
  • Fog foot , later fog star - gray she-cat with blue eyes
  • Habichtfrost - broad-shouldered, dark brown tomcat
  • Reed beard - black tomcat


  • Dirty fur - long-haired, light brown tomcat
  • Moth wings - beautiful, golden-striped she-cat with amber eyes
  • Mulberry gloss - gray tabby she-cat
  • Blackberry blossom- (At the time of Schiefzmaul)


  • Black Claw - smoky black tomcat; Mentor of Bleipfote (later: Bleifuss)
  • Stonefur - gray cat with battle scars on the ears; Mentor of Shadowpaw (later: Shadowfur)
  • Silberfluss - pretty, slim, silver-striped she-cat (dies at the birth of storm cub and feather cub)
  • White Claw - dark tomcat
  • Gray stripe (temporary) - long-haired, pure gray tomcat
  • Lead foot - stocky, tabby tomcat
  • Shadow fur - deep dark gray she-cat
  • Fog foot - dark gray she-cat
  • Rumble stomach - dark brown tomcat


  • Lead paw - stocky, tabby tomcat
  • Shadowpaw - deep dark gray she-cat
  • Twilight paw
  • Stormpaw - dark brown tomcat with amber eyes
  • Feather paw - light gray she-cat with blue eyes
  • Rumble paw - dark brown tomcat


  • Fog foot - dark gray she-cat
  • Moss fur - tortoiseshell-colored she-cat


  • Gray pond - thin, gray she-cat with thinning fur and scars on the snout

Organization of the wind clan


  • Heidestern leader in front of a giant star, light gray tiger cat, with pink shimmering fur and blue eyes
  • Giant Star - black and white tomcat with a very long tail
  • Short star - chosen at short notice
  • Hasenstern- successor to Kurzstern

Second leader

  • Paralyzed feet - black tomcat with crippled paw
  • Bog claw - speckled, dark brown tomcat
  • Short beard - brown piebald tomcat
  • Cinderella - gray she-cat
  • Hasensprung - brown and white tomcat
  • Crows feather - smoky gray, almost black cat with blue eyes


  • Bark face - brown tomcat with a short tail
  • Falkenflug - gray piebald tomcat


  • Short beard - young, brown piebald tomcat; Mentor of Gorse Paw
  • Fetzohr - tabby tomcat; Mentor of Laufpfote (later: Laufpawze)
  • Bog Claw - speckled, dark brown tomcat; Mentor of Spiderpaw (later: Spider's Foot)
  • Spider foot - dark brown tabby tomcat
  • Fetzohr - tabby cat
  • Paw - golden brown she-cat
  • Plätscherbach - light gray tabby she-cat


  • Cinderella - gray she-cat
  • Morning Blossom - Tortoiseshell Sheep


  • Crowskin - old, black cat

Blood clan


  • Scourge - small, black tomcat with one white paw

Second leader

  • Bones - massive, black and white cat



  • Cloud star - light gray cat with white spots and very light eyes
  • Spider Star - dark striped tomcat (last leader of the old Cloud Clan)
  • Star leaf-brown and cream-colored striped she-cat with amber-colored eyes

Second leader

  • Sharptalon
  • Hawk wing


  • Micah
  • Acorn skin
  • Echo sound
  • Polka dot wish
  • Fidget


  • Patchfoot black and white tomcat
  • Flower-scented light gray she-cat
  • Sparrow-tail - dark brown tabby tomcat
  • Spring-tailed tortoiseshell-colored female
  • Wasp's beard - gray and white cat
  • Shrew tooth - slim, black cat
  • Peckralle- deep black female, daylight warrior (male / female who returns to his / her two-legged friends at night)
  • Goat storm - golden white tomcat, daylight warrior (tomcat who returns to his / her two-legged friends at night)
  • Autumn moon-white cat
  • White moon - white cat, daylight warrior (cat who returns to his / her two-legged friends at night)
  • Magpie fur - black and white tomcat
  • Pebble shadow - black cat
  • Hopping fire, golden-brown tomcat
  • Beehive cloud - little white she-cat


  • Lichen-fur-gray-spotted she-cat
  • Striped single runner with tendrils

Cats outside the clans

  • Mikush - black and white cat; lives on a farm near the forest
  • Raven paw - slender, black tomcat with a white tip of its tail; moves to Mikusch after the first volume
  • Princess - light brown tabby she-cat with a striking white breast and white paws; a house kitten, Firestar's sister
  • Wulle - chubby, trusting, black and white kitten; lives in a house on the edge of the forest, Feuerstern's old best friend
  • ( Yellow Tooth - old, dark gray she-cat with a broad, flat face; former Queen of the Shadow Clan, later DonnerClan)
  • Brown Star - long haired, dark brown tabby tomcat; former leader of the Shadow Clan
  • ( Cloud Boy - firstborn son of princess with long white fur; later lives in DonnerClan)
  • Tiger Claw - large, dark brown tabby tomcat with unusually long front claws, formerly the second leader of the DonnerClan, later leader of the SchattenClan
  • Charly - older, striped tomcat; lives in the woods near the sea; later lives in DonnerClan
  • Laura - striped house kitten with blue eyes
  • Sasha - tan-colored single runner
  • Sock - muscular gray and white tomcat who lives in a barn near the horse village
  • Minka - she-cat with long, cream-colored fur who lives together with a sock; later lives in DonnerClan
  • Molly - little gray and white she-cat who lives together with a sock and Minka
  • ( Gray stripe - long-haired, gray tomcat)
  • Millie - small, silver-gray tabby she-cat; former house kitten, later lives in DonnerClan
  • Streif - large, silver tabby tomcat with dark stripes and amber eyes
  • Schnips - thin, light brown tomcat with large, pointy ears
  • Flora - brown and white she-cat with green eyes
  • Flip - a young tortoiseshell-colored she-cat with white stripes on her face
  • Sol - brown and tortoiseshell-colored tomcat with long fur and pale yellow eyes
  • Jingo - dark brown tabby she-cat
  • Hussar - broad-shouldered, gray cat
  • Fleck - spotted, brown she-cat with four cubs
  • Fritz - black and white tomcat with a torn ear
  • Tobi - lean, brown tomcat with a gray snout
  • Flitzer - long-haired, black cat
  • Cindy - golden brown and white she-cat
  • Felix - light gray tabby tomcat
  • Carrot - large, bright red tomcat; Domestic kittens
  • Puzzle - fat, black-brown tabby tomcat; Domestic kittens
  • Snowflake - white queen; Domestic kittens
  • Woody - shaggy brown tomcat with yellow eyes; Single runner


A cat has several names in its life. The names of newborns end in -junges , e.g. B. Fox cub . Students have the ending -pfote in their name , such as B. Firepaw. As a warrior you get your own name, the ending of which is usually related to the character, appearance or outstanding performance of the respective cat. The leaders of the clans always have -stern as the ending of the name . The first part of the name does not usually change in the course of life.


  • From sand Young is a student Sandpaw . As a warrior, she was given the name sandstorm .
  • From clouds Young is a student Cloudpaw . As a warrior, he was given the name Cloud Tail .
  • From Blue Young is a pupil Blue Paw, as a warrior it becomes blue fur and as the leader is out of her Bluestar.

In very rare cases the whole name is changed, as in the case of corn paw on half face to light heart .

There is also one tomcat whose name has been changed extremely often: Stripe Star. As it is called Young storm Young is (named after his broken jaw) during the boy existence to skew Young renamed, as a student skew paw , as a warrior crooked mouth and as a leader is out of it Streifenstern .


On October 20, 2016, Victoria Holmes announced that Alibaba Pictures had bought the film rights from Warrior Cats. The producer of the film is David Heyman , known as the producer of the Harry Potter film series. On May 14, 2018 it was announced that STX Entertainment had joined the project as a co-producer. The scriptwriters are Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Neither the director nor the time for the film's release has been announced to date.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. WarriorCats.com | The Official Home of the Warriors Books by Erin Hunter. Retrieved March 7, 2018 (UK English).
  2. Warrior Cats - What Do You Know About Firestars? Retrieved March 10, 2019 .
  3. Harry Potter Producer Making Movie About Warrior Cats. Retrieved December 19, 2018 .
  4. STX Boards Alibaba Pictures' High-Profile 'Warriors'. Retrieved December 19, 2018 .