Wat'n dat !?

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Wat'n dat !?
Game data
author Claude Weber
graphic Gabriela Silveira
publishing company ASS Altenburger ,
Publishing year 1996
Art Placement game
Teammates 3-8
Duration 60 minutes
Age from 10 years on


Wat'n dat !? , later Wat'n Dat… , is a placement game for three to eight players by Claude Weber . It was first published in 1996 by the games publisher ASS Altenburger , in 2017 it was published again by the Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag (NSV). In 2007 the game was also released in France under the names Kezako and Kiproko .

1997 became Wat'n dat !? added to the selection list for the game of the year . In 2008 it was also nominated as Kiproko for the French As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année .

Theme and equipment

The game is a guessing game in which two alternating players form a team and, without prior consultation, have to put together a picture with the help of several pieces of wood, which the other players have to guess. In addition to the instructions, the game material consists of a set of cards and 10 long and 6 short wooden sticks and two small and two large wooden discs.

Style of play

At the beginning of the game, the pieces of wood are divided up and distributed to two players sitting next to each other. The order cards are shuffled and the right team partner draws one of the cards that the two team partners look at together. The number on the back of the next card in the draw pile indicates which term on the card the two players must reproduce and the other players must guess.

The two team partners now alternately place a piece of wood on the table and try together to depict the term to be represented without talking to each other. The wooden parts must always be laid flat on the table and not on top of each other and they must not be moved once they are on the table. Instead of adding a piece of wood, a player can take one out of the game and pass that way. All other players can guess terms while the team is putting the picture together. If a teammate guesses the term he is looking for, he and the two team players each get one point (if there are three players, only the guesser and the player who placed the last piece get one point). If no other player guesses the term in the 15 seconds after the team is finished, no player receives a point.

After the round, the left team player and his left neighbor form the next team and the new round begins. The game ends after the round after which all players have been team partners twice. The winner is the player with the most points.

Development and reception

The game Wat'n dat !? was developed by Claude Weber and was published in 1996 by ASS Altenburger in a German version. In 2007 the game was published in France under the names Kezako and Kiproko and in 2017 it was published again in German by Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag (NSV) for the international game days SPIEL '17 .

1997 became Wat'n dat !? on the selection list for Game of the Year was added and in 2008 the French version was Kiproko for the French As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année nominated.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d Game instructions Wat'n Dat ... , German-language edition 2017 (NSV)
  2. Versions of Wat'n Dat !? in the board game database BoardGameGeek (English); accessed on December 27, 2017.

Web links