Web NDL Authorities

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Web NDL Authorities: Screenshot (2012)

Web NDL Authorities ( Japanese 国立 国会 図 書館 典 拠 デ ー タ 検 索 ・ 提供 サ ー ビ ス Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan Tenkyo Dēta Kensaku, Teikyō Sābisu ) is an authority file of the National Library of Parliament (NDL) in Japan. The English name of the file is also used in Japanese texts. The file includes persons, family names, corporate bodies, place names and uniform titles.


The classification system National Diet Library Subject Headings (NDLSH) used since 1964 was converted from printed media to a database in 2004 and renewed and expanded. Initially, the file was made available online as a text and PDF file. On June 30, 2010 it was published as a WWW offer under the name Web NDLSH .

Starting in 1997, the NDL published the authority file JAPAN / MARC (A) for individuals , which was based on the national bibliography JAPAN / MARC.

In January 2012, the Web NDL Authorities were published, which combine the NDLSH and the personal norm file and make it searchable on the WWW.


Web links