Interchangeable barrel

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Barrel change on an M60

A removable drive is as defined by the German Weapons Act , a run that is prefabricated for a specific weapon to replace the existing run and must be still fitted. (Item 3.2 of Appendix 1 to Section 1 Paragraph 4 WaffG)

An interchangeable barrel fulfills the characteristics of an essential part of a firearm i. S. d. Point 1.3.1 of Annex 1 to Section 1 (4) WaffG and is therefore legally treated like a firearm.

The acquisition and possession of an interchangeable barrel is not permitted for holders of a gun license if it is of the same or lower caliber as the gun already entered on the gun license. (Point 2.1. Of Annex 2 to Section 2 Paragraphs 2-4 WaffG).

In the military sector, air-cooled machine guns in particular are equipped with interchangeable barrels. In this way, the soldier can quickly exchange a hot-shot barrel and then continue shooting immediately. However, these barrels no longer have to be adjusted separately and are therefore actually replacement barrels in the sense of the WaffG .

see also: Exchange system (weapon)

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