World history of painting

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World History of Painting is a series of books on the history of painting edited by Claude Schaeffner. The French original edition was published under the title Histoire générale de la peinture (with an index volume). It comprises a total of 27 volumes and was published by Editions Rencontre in Lausanne from 1966 to 1968 . The publisher also published the series World History in Pictures in the publishing house .


  • 1: Raoul-Jean Moulin: Origin of Painting
  • 2: Robert Boulanger: Egyptian and ancient oriental painting
  • 3: Tony Spiteris: Greek and Etruscan painting
  • 4: Gerald Gassiot-Talabot: Roman and early Christian painting
  • 5: Kostas Papaioannu: Byzantine and Russian painting
  • 6: Joseph Pichard: The Painting of Romanticism
  • 7: Michel Herubel: The painting of the Gothic I
  • 8: Michel Herubel: The Painting of Gothic II
  • 9: Elie-Charles Flamand: Painting of the Renaissance I
  • 10: Elie-Charles Flamand: Painting of the Renaissance II
  • 11: Elie-Charles Flamand: Painting of the Renaissance III
  • 12: Philippe Daudy: Painting of the 17th Century I.
  • 13: Philippe Daudy: Painting of the 17th Century II
  • 14: Claire Gay: 18th Century Painting
  • 15: Raymond Cogniat: The Painting of Romanticism
  • 16: Jaques Lassaigne: Impressionism
  • 17: Michel Ragon: Expressionism
  • 18: Michel-Claude Jalard: The late impressionism
  • 19: Jose Pierre: Cubism
  • 20: Jose Pierre: Futurism and Dadaism
  • 21: Jose Pierre: Surrealism
  • 22: Georges Charensol: The great painters of modern painting
  • 23: Jean-Clarence Lambert: The abstract painting
  • 24: Michel Courtois: The Chinese Painting
  • 25. Théo Lesoualc'h: The Japanese Painting
  • 26. Jean-Jacques and Nicole Menant, Leveque: The Islamic and Indian Painting
  • 27. Vincent Bounoure: The American Painting

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DNB 995503761